Calls to tpinit( ) Without TPMULTICONTEXTS

When tpinit() is invoked without TPMULTICONTEXTS, it behaves as it does when called in a single-contexted application. When tpinit() has been invoked once, subsequent tpinit() calls without the TPMULTICONTEXTS flag succeed without further action. This is true even if the value of the TUXCONFIG or WSNADDR environment variable in the application has been changed. Calling tpinit() without the TPMULTICONTEXTS flag set is not allowed in multicontext mode.

If a client has not joined an application and tpinit() is called implicitly (as a result of a call to another function that calls tpinit()), then the Oracle Tuxedo system interprets the action as a call to tpinit() without the TPMULTICONTEXTS flag for purposes of determining which flags may be used in subsequent calls to tpinit().

For most ATMI functions, if a function is invoked by a thread that is not associated with a context in a process already operating in multicontext mode, the ATMI function fails with tperrno(5) =TPEPROTO.