2.10.3 Converting XML Data To and From FML/FML32 Buffers

As an input/output format, XML data is gaining broader use in modern application development. Most Tuxedo customers, in contrast, have large investments in existing defined services that make use of Tuxedo FML/FML32 buffers as the preferred data transport.

Oracle Tuxedo addresses this issue by adding functionality that allows for data conversion of XML to and from FML/FML32 buffers. This conversion can be initiated one of two ways:

  • On-demand conversion

    For programmers, on-demand conversion of XML data to and from FML/FML32 buffers features four new ATMI functions for manual conversion. For more information, see Using On-Demand Conversion.

  • Automatic conversion

    For application administrators, automatic conversion of XML to and from FML/FML32 buffers features a new BUFTYPECONV parameter in the SERVICES section of the UBBCONFIG configuration file initiates conversion when the server is booted. For more information, see Using Automatic Conversion.

Regardless of the method used for conversion, the FML/FML32 field types are mapped to XML in a particular manner. For information on conversion mapping, see Mapping XML To and From FML/FML32 Field Types.


XML to and from FML/FML32 conversion uses third-party libraries (for example, libticudata.so) that may be substantial in size.

Increasing the size of shared libraries may cause running Tuxedo application processes (that directly or indirectly depend on those libraries) to consume increased amounts of memory which, in turn, can impact performance.

XML to and from FML/FML32 conversion should not be used by a Tuxedo system process.

For other known issues or limitations regarding conversion between XML and FML/FML32 buffers using the Xerces parser, see Conversion Limitations.