3.1 Updating the UBBCONFIG Configuration File

The application administrator initially defines the configuration settings for an application in the UBBCONFIG configuration file. To customize your programming environment, you may need to create or update a configuration file.

If you need to create or update a configuration file, refer to the following guidelines:

  • Copy and edit a file that already exists. For example, the file ubbshm that comes with the bankapp sample application can provide a good starting point.
  • Minimize complexity. For test purposes, set up your application as a shared memory, single-processor system. Use regular operating system files for your data.
  • Ensure the IPCKEY parameter in the configuration file does not conflict with any other parameters being used at your installation. Check with your Oracle Tuxedo application administrator, and refer to Setting Up an Oracle Tuxedo Application for more information.
  • Set the UID and GID parameters so that you are the owner of the configuration.
  • Review the documentation. The configuration file is described in UBBCONFIG(5) in the File Formats, Data Descriptions, MIBs, and System Processes Reference.

The following table summarizes the UBBCONFIG configuration file parameters that affect the programming environment. Parameters are listed by functional category.

Table 3-1 Programming-related UBBCONFIG Parameters by Functional Category

Functional Category Parameter Section Description
Global resource MAXSERVERS RESOURCES Specifies the maximum number of servers in the configuration. When setting this value, you need to consider the MAX values for all servers.
MAXSERVICES RESOURCES Specifies the maximum total number of services in the configuration.
Data-dependent routing BUFTYPE ROUTING List of types and subtypes of data buffers for which the specified routing entry is valid.
Link-level encryption MINENCRYPTBITS NETWORK Sets the minimum encryption level that a process accepts.
MAXENCRYPTBITS NETWORK Sets the maximum encryption level that a process accepts.
Load balancing LDBAL RESOURCES Flag for specifying whether or not load balancing is enabled. If enabled, the Oracle Tuxedo system attempts to balance requests across the network.
NETLOAD MACHINES Numeric value that is added to the load factor of services that are remote from the invoking client, providing a bias for choosing a local server over a remote server. Load balancing must be enabled (that is, LDBAL must be set to Y).
LOAD SERVICES Relative load factor associated with a service instance. The default is 50.
Security AUTHSVC RESOURCES Specifies the name of an application authentication service that is invoked by the system for each client joining the system.
SECURITY RESOURCES Specifies the type of application security to be enforced.
Conversational communication MAXCONV RESOURCES Sets the maximum number of simultaneous conversations for a single machine. You can specify a value between 0 and 32,767. The default is 64 if any conversational servers are defined in the SERVERS section; otherwise, the default is 1. The specified value can be overridden for each machine in the MACHINES section.
CONV SERVERS Specifies whether or not conversational communication is supported. If this parameter is set to N or unspecified, a tpconnect() call to a service fails.
MIN/MAX SERVERS Specifies the minimum and maximum number of occurrences of the server to be started by tmboot(1). If not specified, MIN defaults to 1 and MAX defaults to MIN. The same parameters are available for use with request/response servers. However, conversational servers are automatically spawned as needed. So if you set MIN=1 and MAX=10, for example, tmboot starts one server initially. When a tpconnect() call is made to a service offered by that server, the system starts a second copy of a server. As each copy is called, a new one is spawned, up to a limit of 10.
Transaction management AUTOTRAN SERVICES Controls whether a service routine is placed in transaction mode. If you set this parameter to Y, a transaction in the service subroutine is automatically started whenever a request message is received from another process.
MAXTRANTIME RESOURCES Specifies in seconds the maximum timeout allowed for transactions started in or received by this Oracle Tuxedo application.
Multithreaded servers MAXDISPATCHTHREADS SERVERS Specifies the maximum number of concurrently dispatched threads that each server process may spawn.
MINDISPATCHTHREADS SERVERS Specifies the number of server dispatch threads started on initial server boot.

The configuration file is an operating system text file. To make it usable by the system, you must execute the tmloadcf(1) command to convert the file to a binary file.
