9 Troubleshooting Zero Downtime Migration

This section describes how to handle migration job failures.

For more information about troubleshooting Zero Downtime Migration and known issues in the current release, see the Zero Downtime Migration Release Notes.

9.1 Handling Migration Job Failures

If your migration job fails, the following logs can help you discover the issue.

Migration Job Output Logs

If your migration job encounters an error, refer to the migration job output logs, Zero Downtime Migration service logs, and server-specific operational phase logs present at the respective source or target database servers.

If the migration job encounters an exception (that is, fails) then the logs can provide some indication of the nature of the fault. The logs for the migration procedures executed in the source and target environments are stored on the servers in the respective source and target environments. The Zero Downtime Migration command output location is provided to you when the migration job is run with the ZDMCLI command migrate database. You can also find the log file location (Result file path) in the output of the ZDMCLI command query job -jobid job-id.

Zero Downtime Migration Service Host Log

Determine which operational phase the migration job was in at the time of failure, and whether the phase belongs to the source (phase name contains SRC) or target (phase name contains TGT) . Check the Zero Downtime Migration service host log at $ZDM_BASE/crsdata/zdm_service_host/rhp/zdmserver.log.0, and access the respective source or target server to check the log associated with the operational phase in $ORACLE_BASE/zdm/zdm_db_unique_name_job-id/zdm/log.

If the Zero Downtime Migration service does not start, then check the Zero Downtime Migration service logs for process start-up errors to determine the cause of the error reported. The Zero Downtime Migration service log can be found at $ZDM_BASE/crsdata/zdm_service_host/rhp/zdmserver.log.0.

Data Pump Log

For logical migration jobs on co-managed target databases, refer to the Data Pump log in the specified DATA_PUMP_DIR. For Autonomous Database targets, the Data Pump logs are uploaded to a data bucket specified with DATAPUMPSETTINGS_DATABUCKET_* in the response file. If the data bucket is not specified, then you will need to upload the dump from Autonomous Database to Object Storage to access it. See How To View Import Log Generated For ADW/ATP (Doc ID 2448060.1)

If a migration job fails, you can fix the cause of the failure and then re-run the job while monitoring the logs for progress.