Oracle Zero Downtime Migration – Logical Offline Migration to ADB-S on Oracle Database@Google Cloud
Oracle customers are rapidly increasing their workload migration into the Oracle Cloud, Engineered Systems, and Oracle Database@Google Cloud. However, migrating workloads has been a source of challenges for many years. Migrating database workloads from one system to another or into the Cloud is easier said than done.
Based on years of experience migrating Oracle workloads, Oracle has developed Zero Downtime Migration (ZDM). ZDM is Oracle’s premier solution for a simplified and automated migration experience, providing zero to negligible downtime for the production system depending on the migration scenario. ZDM allows you to migrate your on-premises Oracle Databases directly and seamlessly to and between Oracle Database@Azure, Oracle Database@ Google Cloud, Oracle Database@AWS, and any Oracle-owned infrastructure, including Exadata Database Machine On-Premises, Exadata Cloud at Customer, and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. Oracle ZDM supports a wide range of Oracle Database versions and, as the name implies, ensures minimal to no production database impact during the migration.
ZDM follows Oracle Maximum Availability Architecture (MAA) principles and incorporates products such as GoldenGate and Data Guard to ensure High Availability and an online migration workflow that leverages technologies such as the Recovery Manager, Data Pump, and Database Links.
This technical brief is a step-by-step guide for migrating your on-premises Oracle Databases to Oracle Autonomous Database Serverless (ADB-S) on Oracle Database@Google Cloud, with ZDM’s Logical Offline workflow.
Oracle ZDM will run on a separate node and connect to Source and Target to perform the migration. This guide will cover all requirements for installing the Oracle ZDM Service Host, the Source Database, the Target Database recipient of the migration process, and the networking used. The migration process will be dissected and done in a step-by-step fashion. This guide will answer the most frequently asked questions regarding the product and the overall migration process.
For more information on Oracle Zero Downtime Migration, please visit ZDM’s product website and Oracle Database@Google Cloud product website.
Zero Downtime Migration
Oracle Zero Downtime Migration (ZDM) is the Oracle Maximum Availability Architecture (MAA)-recommended solution to migrate Oracle Databases to the Oracle Cloud. ZDM's inherent design keeps in mind the migration process as straightforward as possible to ensure the most negligible impact on production workloads. The Source Database to be migrated can be on-premises, deployed on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, or a 3rd Party Cloud. The Target Database deployment can be on Oracle Database@Azure, Oracle Database@Google Cloud, Oracle Database@AWS, Database Cloud Service on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Virtual Machine, Exadata Cloud Service, Exadata Cloud at Customer, and Autonomous Database. ZDM automates the entire migration process, reducing the chance of human errors. ZDM leverages Oracle Database-integrated high availability (HA) technologies such as Oracle Data Guard and GoldenGate and follows all MAA best practices that ensure no significant downtime of production environments. Oracle ZDM supports both Physical and Logical Migration workflows. This technical brief covers a step-by-step guide for the Logical Offline Migration Workflow.
A standard Logical Offline migration will take the following steps:
- Download and Configure ZDM.
- ZDM starts database migration.
- ZDM starts a data pump export job.
- ZDM transfers dump files to the backup location.
- ZDM starts a data pump import job and instantiates the target database.
- ZDM switches over.
- ZDM validates, cleans up, and finalizes the database migration.
Supported Configurations
Oracle ZDM supports Oracle Database versions,,, 18c, 19c, 21c, and 23ai. ZDM’s physical migration workflow requires the Source and Target Databases to be in the same database release.
Oracle ZDM supports Source Oracle Databases hosted on Linux, Solaris, and AIX operating systems. Oracle ZDM supports single-instance databases, Oracle RAC One Node databases, or Oracle RAC databases as sources. Oracle ZDM supports Oracle Database Enterprise & Standard Edition as Source and Target Databases. ZDM’s physical migration workflow supports only Source Databases hosted on Linux platforms.
An architectural overview of the ZDM server, the source database on-premises, the target database on Oracle Autonomous Database Serverless (ADB-S) on Oracle Database@Google Cloud, and all networks and components required are described in the diagram below:
Figure 1. This is a High-Level Architectural overview showcasing the customer data center where the source database and ZDM’s server reside. It also shows all connectivity to the target Oracle Autonomous Database Serverless (ADB-S) on Oracle Database@Google Cloud.
Zero Downtime Migration Service Host
Zero Downtime Migration Service Host Requirements
Oracle Zero Downtime Migration installation must take place on a separate host, which must fulfill the following requirements:
- Linux host running on Oracle 7, 8, or RHEL 8 (only these OS platforms/versions are supported).
- 100 GB of free storage space. This space is required for all the logs that ZDM will generate.
- A zdm group and a zdmuser as part of this group.
- The following packages must be installed:
- All hostnames and IP addresses to be used must be present as entries in the /etc/hosts
For more information on the ZDM Service Host requirements and setting up ZDM on RHEL platforms, please refer to Oracle ZDM’s product documentation, specifically “Setting Up Zero Downtime Migration Software” section.
For this step-by-step guide, the ZDM Service Host runs on-premises on an Oracle Linux Server 8.9. The host private IP is masked for this guide, but as an example we will use the fictional and the hostname is zdmhost.
Network and Connectivity
Google Cloud Region
A Google Cloud region is a geographical area that contains data centers and infrastructure for hosting resources. It is made up of zones that are isolated from each other within the region.
Google Cloud Project
A Google Cloud Project is required to use Google Workspace APIs and build Google Workspace add-ons or apps. A Cloud project forms the basis for creating, enabling, and using all Google Cloud services, including managing APIs, enabling billing, adding and removing collaborators, and managing permissions.
Google Virtual Private Cloud
Google Cloud Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) provides networking functionality to Compute Engine virtual machine (VM) instances, Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) containers, database services, and serverless workloads. VPC provides global, scalable, and flexible networking for your cloud-based service.
Google Cloud Interconnect
Cloud Interconnect extends your on-premises network to the Google network through a highly available, low-latency connection. You can use Dedicated Interconnect to connect directly to Google or Partner Interconnect to connect to Google through a supported service provider.
Autonomous Database
Oracle Autonomous Database is a fully managed, preconfigured database environments that you can use for transaction processing and data warehousing workloads. You do not need to configure or manage any hardware, or install any software. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure handles creating the database and backing up, patching, upgrading, and tuning the database.
Source Database
The source database runs on-premises on an Oracle Linux Server 7.7 for this step-by-step guide. The host's private IP is masked for this guide, but as an example, we will use the fictional address, and the hostname is onphost.
The source Oracle database is a single-instance Enterprise Edition database version 19.22 with multitenant architecture. The Oracle SID is oradb, and the PDB name is orclpdb.
Target Database
Oracle Database@ Google Cloud offers the following products:
- Oracle Exadata Database Service on Dedicated Infrastructure (ExaDB-D)
- You can provision flexible Exadata systems that allow you to add database compute servers and storage servers to your system anytime after provisioning.
- You can provision flexible Exadata systems that allow you to add database compute servers and storage servers to your system anytime after provisioning.
- Oracle Autonomous Database Serverless (ADB-S)
- Autonomous Database provides an easy-to-use, fully autonomous database that scales elastically, delivers fast query performance, and requires no database administration.
Oracle Database@Google Cloud integrates Oracle Exadata Database Service, Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC), and Oracle Data Guard technologies into the Google Cloud platform. The Oracle Database service runs on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) and is co-located in Google’s data centers. The service offers features and price parity with OCI.
Oracle Database@Google Cloud service offers the same low latency as other Google-native services and meets mission-critical workloads and cloud-native development needs. Users manage the service on the Google Cloud console and with Google Cloud automation tools. The service is deployed in Google Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). The service requires that users have a Google Cloud Project and an OCI tenancy.
For this step-by-step guide, the target platform is Oracle Autonomous Database Serverless (ADB-S) on Oracle Database@Google Cloud. ZDM requires configuring a placeholder database target environment before beginning the migration process.
Enhanced Security for Outbound Connections with Private Endpoints
Setting the ROUTE_OUTBOUND_CONNECTIONS database property to the value PRIVATE_ENDPOINT enforces that all outgoing connections to a target host are subject to and limited by the private endpoint's egress rules.
ZDM Service Host
On the ZDM host, as root, add the on-premises hostname and IP and the Autonomous Database Private Endpoint URL to the /etc/hosts file to be resolved to the Autonomous Database Private Endpoint IP
Access Network File System from Autonomous Database
You can attach a Network File System to a directory location in your Autonomous Database. This allows you to load data from Oracle Cloud Infrastructure File Storage in your Virtual Cloud Network (VCN), Google Cloud-managed NFS Server, or any other Network File System in on-premises data centers. Depending on the Network File System version you want to access, both NFSv3 and NFSv4 are supported.
Step 1: Add NFS Server Name to OCI DNS VCN Resolver
Bear in mind that if the OCI tenancy is a new tenancy created within the Oracle Database@Google Cloud provisioning process, the limits for OCI private DNS and A records might need to be increased. To increase the limits, open a Service Request with Oracle Support. A limit of at least three records is needed.
Follow these steps to create an A-record in OCI DNS to resolve the NFS server name:
- From the Oracle Autonomous Database details page in Google Cloud, click on the MANAGE IN OCI link.
- From the Oracle Autonomous Database details page in OCI, click on the virtual cloud network in the Network section.
- On the network details page, click on the DNS Resolver.
- On the private resolver details page, click on the default private view.
- Click the create zone button and create a new zone using the name of your choice, e.g., gcp
- Click on the newly created zone, manage records, and add a record with the name of your choice, e.g., nfs-server. Replace with the actual IP address of the Google Cloud-managed NFS server.
- Publish the changes.
- Update the Network Security Group (NSG) in OCI to allow network traffic flow from the VPC where the NFS server resides.
On the target database:
Step 2: Add the NFS Server Name to the Access Control List (ACL)
SQL> exec DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN.APPEND_HOST_ACE(host => 'nfs-server.nfs.gcp', ace => xs$ace_type(privilege_list => xs$name_list('connect', 'resolve'), principal_name => 'ADMIN', principal_type => xs_acl.ptype_db)); PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Step 3: Create a Directory on the Autonomous Database
SQL> CREATE or replace DIRECTORY FSS_DIR AS 'fss'; Directory created.
Step 4: Attach NFS to Autonomous Database
Set the NFS version accordingly in the parameter "params => JSON_OBJECT('nfs_version' value <value>)".
SQL> BEGIN DBMS_CLOUD_ADMIN.ATTACH_FILE_SYSTEM( file_system_name => 'GCPNFS', file_system_location => 'nfs-server.nfs.gcp:/zdm_share', directory_name => 'FSS_DIR', description => 'Attach GCP NFS', params => JSON_OBJECT('nfs_version' value 3) ); END; / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> SELECT object_name FROM DBMS_CLOUD.LIST_FILES('FSS_DIR'); OBJECT_NAME -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- test.txt
Additional Configuration
ZDM connects via SSH to the Source Database servers; hence, an SSH key pair for the zdmuser is required. As zdmuser, run the following:
[zdmuser@zdmhost ~]$ mkdir ~/.ssh [zdmuser@zdmhost ~]$ chmod 700 ~/.ssh [zdmuser@zdmhost ~]$ /usr/bin/ssh-keygen -t rsa Generating public/private rsa key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (/home/zdmuser/.ssh/id_rsa): Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): Enter same passphrase again: Your identification has been saved in /home/zdmuser/.ssh/id_rsa. Your public key has been saved in /home/zdmuser/.ssh/ The key fingerprint is: SHA256:keyfingerprintsample zdmuser@zdmhost [zdmuser@zdmhost ~]$ cd ~/.ssh [zdmuser@zdmhost .ssh]$ cat
Insert the public to the authorized_keys file on the source database host.
You can find more information on ZDM Product’s documentation section, “Generating a Private SSH Key Without a Passphrase.”
API Signing Public Key and Configuration File
ZDM uses an API Signing Public Key to call REST APIs. First, you need to create the API Keys. Do so by accessing the terminal on the ZDM Service Host, and as the zdmuser, run the following:
[zdmuser@zdmhost ~]$ mkdir .oci [zdmuser@zdmhost ~]$ cd .oci [zdmuser@zdmhost ~]$ openssl genrsa -out /u01/app/zdmhome/.oci/oci_api_key.pem 2048 [zdmuser@zdmhost ~]$ openssl rsa -pubout -in /u01/app/zdmhome/.oci/oci_api_key.pem -out /u01/app/zdmhome/.oci/oci_api_key_public.pem [zdmuser@zdmhost ~]$ cat oci_api_key_public.pem
Copy the catted 'oci_api_key_public.pem
' file and save it; you will need it in the next step. Include the "Begin Public Key" and "End Public Key" lines during the copy. Go to your Oracle Cloud OCI Dashboard, navigate to the top right, click on your user profile icon, and select the top option representing your user. Select API Keys and Add API Key. Paste the public OCI API key file you copied above and click Add Key.
You will see a configuration file preview. Copy its contents; you will use them to populate your configuration file in the following step.
As the zdmuser in the ZDM Service Host, create a configuration file in the command prompt; you can use vi/vim or any editor you prefer. In the empty file, paste the configuration file contents copied from above. Replace < path to your private key file > # TODO with the line above; once done, save the file and quit the editor:
Database Migration Step by Step with ZDM
Step 1: Prepare the Source Database Host On-Premises
Copy the SSH public key of the zdmuser from the ZDM host to the .ssh/authorized_keys file on the source database host for the user you want to use for login, in this case, onpuser:
#on ZDM host as zdmuser [zdmuser@zdmhost ~]$ cat .ssh/ #on the source database host as user onpuser [onpuser@onphost ~]$ vi .ssh/authorized_keys #insert the public key and save the changes
Step 2: Prepare the Source Database On-Premises
For offline logical migrations, for optimal Data Pump performance, it is recommended that you set STREAMS_POOL_SIZE to a minimum of 256MB-350MB, to have an initial pool allocated, otherwise you might see a significant delay during start-up.
SQL> alter system set streams_pool_size = 256M; System altered. SQL> grant DATAPUMP_EXP_FULL_DATABASE to system container=all; Grant succeeded.
Step 3: Fill the response file
The Zero Downtime Migration server should be allowed to make HTTPS over port 443 calls to an OCI REST endpoint. If there is no connectivity to OCI endpoints, then skip the following parameters:TARGETDATABASE_OCID
And add the following parameters:
In this example, /home/zdmuser/adbwallet is the directory where you have downloaded and unzipped the Autonomous Database Credentials Wallet file, and adbzdm_high is the TNS alias in the tnsname.ora file is this directory.
Step 4: Perform a migration in evaluation mode
Execute the following command on the ZDM host as zdmuser to evaluate the migration. ZDM will check the source and target database configurations, but the migration will not be performed; it will just be an evaluation. On the ZDM host as zdmuser
$ZDMHOME/bin/zdmcli migrate database \ -rsp /home/zdmuser/logical_offline_adb_nfs/logical_offline_adb_nfs.rsp \ -sourcenode onphost \ -sourcesid oradb \ -srcauth zdmauth \ -srcarg1 user:onpuser \ -srcarg2 identity_file:/home/zdmuser/.ssh/id_rsa \ -srcarg3 sudo_location:/usr/bin/sudo \ -eval
Check the job status:
$ZDMHOME/bin/zdmcli query job -jobid 1
zdmhost.zdm: Audit ID: 185 Job ID: 1 User: zdmuser Client: zdmhost Job Type: "EVAL" Scheduled job command: "zdmcli migrate database -rsp /home/zdmuser/logical_offline_adb/logical_offline_adb.rsp -sourcenode onphost -sourcesid oradb -srcauth zdmauth -srcarg1 user:onpuser -srcarg2 identity_file:/home/zdmuser/.ssh/id_rsa -srcarg3 sudo_location:/usr/bin/sudo -eval" Scheduled job execution start time: 2024-10-18T11:00:52Z. Equivalent local time: 2024-10-18 11:00:52 Current status: SUCCEEDED Result file path: "/home/zdmuser/zdm/zdmbase/chkbase/scheduled/job-1-2024-10-18-11:01:21.log" Metrics file path: "/home/zdmuser/zdm/zdmbase/chkbase/scheduled/job-1-2024-10-18-11:01:21.json" Excluded objects file path: "/home/zdmuser/zdm/zdmbase/chkbase/scheduled/job-1-filtered-objects-2024-10-18T11:05:34.879.json" Job execution start time: 2024-10-18 11:01:21 Job execution end time: 2024-10-18 11:07:21 Job execution elapsed time: 2 minutes 33 seconds ZDM_VALIDATE_TGT ...................... COMPLETED ZDM_VALIDATE_SRC ...................... COMPLETED ZDM_SETUP_SRC ......................... COMPLETED ZDM_PRE_MIGRATION_ADVISOR ............. COMPLETED ZDM_VALIDATE_DATAPUMP_SETTINGS_SRC .... COMPLETED ZDM_VALIDATE_DATAPUMP_SETTINGS_TGT .... COMPLETED ZDM_PREPARE_DATAPUMP_SRC .............. COMPLETED ZDM_DATAPUMP_ESTIMATE_SRC ............. COMPLETED ZDM_CLEANUP_SRC ....................... COMPLETED
Step 5: Migrate the Database
To initiate the actual migration, execute the same command for evaluation, but this time without the -eval parameter.
On the ZDM host as zdmuser:
$ZDMHOME/bin/zdmcli migrate database \ -rsp /home/zdmuser/logical_offline_adb_nfs/logical_offline_adb_nfs.rsp \ -sourcenode onphost \ -sourcesid zdmdb \ -srcauth zdmauth \ -srcarg1 user:onpuser \ -srcarg2 identity_file:/home/zdmuser/.ssh/id_rsa \ -srcarg3 sudo_location:/usr/bin/sudo
Check the job status:
$ZDMHOME/bin/zdmcli query job -jobid 2 zdmhost.zdm: Audit ID: 186 Job ID: 2 User: zdmuser Client: zdmhost Job Type: "MIGRATE" Scheduled job command: "zdmcli migrate database -rsp /home/zdmuser/logical_offline_adb/logical_offline_adb.rsp -sourcenode onphost -sourcesid oradb -srcauth zdmauth -srcarg1 user:onpuser -srcarg2 identity_file:/home/zdmuser/.ssh/id_rsa -srcarg3 sudo_location:/usr/bin/sudo" Scheduled job execution start time: 2024-10-18T11:30:57Z. Equivalent local time: 2024-10-18 11:30:57 Current status: SUCCEEDED Result file path: "/home/zdmuser/zdm/zdmbase/chkbase/scheduled/job-2-2024-10-18-11:31:21.log" Metrics file path: "/home/zdmuser/zdm/zdmbase/chkbase/scheduled/job-2-2024-10-18-11:31:21.json" Excluded objects file path: "/home/zdmuser/zdm/zdmbase/chkbase/scheduled/job-2-filtered-objects-2024-10-18T11:31:38.567.json" Job execution start time: 2024-10-18 11:31:22 Job execution end time: 2024-10-18 11:35:58 Job execution elapsed time: 4 minutes 36 seconds ZDM_VALIDATE_TGT ...................... COMPLETED ZDM_VALIDATE_SRC ...................... COMPLETED ZDM_SETUP_SRC ......................... COMPLETED ZDM_PRE_MIGRATION_ADVISOR ............. COMPLETED ZDM_VALIDATE_DATAPUMP_SETTINGS_SRC .... COMPLETED ZDM_VALIDATE_DATAPUMP_SETTINGS_TGT .... COMPLETED ZDM_PREPARE_DATAPUMP_SRC .............. COMPLETED ZDM_DATAPUMP_ESTIMATE_SRC ............. COMPLETED ZDM_PREPARE_DATAPUMP_TGT .............. COMPLETED ZDM_DATAPUMP_EXPORT_SRC ............... COMPLETED ZDM_TRANSFER_DUMPS_SRC ................ COMPLETED ZDM_DATAPUMP_IMPORT_TGT ............... COMPLETED ZDM_POST_DATAPUMP_SRC ................. COMPLETED ZDM_POST_DATAPUMP_TGT ................. COMPLETED ZDM_POST_ACTIONS ...................... COMPLETED ZDM_CLEANUP_SRC ....................... COMPLETED
Troubleshooting Oracle ZDM & Other Resources
For Oracle ZDM log review:
- ZDM Server Logs:
- Check source node logs
- Check target node logs.
For all Oracle Support Service Requests related to Zero Downtime Migration, please be sure to follow the instructions in My Oracle Support Document:
- SRDC – Data Collection for Database Migration Using Zero Downtime Migration (ZDM) (DOC ID 2595205.1)
Oracle® Database, Oracle Zero Downtime Migration, Release 21.5
January 31, 2025