Subscribe to an Event



Subscribe to an event


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
Body ()
Request to subscribe to an event
Root Schema : EventSubscription
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : callbackTLSCerts
Type: object
Show Source
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Operation successful
Body ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : result
Type: object
Show Source

400 Response

Bad Request

401 Response

Not authorized

403 Response


404 Response

Invalid parameters

500 Response

Service unavailable
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This endpoint is used to request an event subscription.

The following example shows how to request an event subscription by submitting a POST request on the REST resource using cURL.

curl -v -u <username>:<password> -X POST \
  "https://<restproxy of your Blockchain instance>/api/v2/channels/default/event-subscriptions" \
  -H "accept: application/json" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --data @<JSON file with the request parameters>

For example,

curl -v -u obpuser:<password> -X POST \
  "" \
  -H "accept: application/json" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --data @file.json
The contents of file.json are:
 "role": "myinstance_defaultuser",
 "type": "chaincode",
 "callbackURL": "",
 "expires": "1m", 
 "callbackTLSCerts": { 
   "caCert": "",
   "clientCert": "",
   "keyPassword": "" },
 "txid": "b1c11242383212cfdcca97d68efc0b3641436b1845a9b4c6e822cf6099ca49ee",
 "chaincode": "obcs-example02",
 "seek": "oldest", 
 "block": 0,
 "event": ".*"

Where each parameter in the payload file represents:

Table - Payload Parameters

Parameter Purpose Possible Values
role User role  
type Event type
  • transaction: concerned with events on a particular transaction ID.
  • chaincode: returns events emitted from a chaincode.
  • block: returns the entire data in a block.
  • filteredtransaction: returns block number and each transaction ID along with the validation code and payload of the chaincode event.
callbakURL Event callback address. Must be a valid HTTP/HTTPS address.
expires Subscribed event expire time since the time of current request.
  • <xx>M, <xx>w, <xx>d, <xx>h, <xx>m where:
    • xx is a valid integer.
    • M represents month.
    • w is week.
    • d is day.
    • h is hour
    • m indicates minute.
  • If not set, default value is 1d, that is, one day.
callbackTLSCerts Call back TLS Certificates. It contains:
  • caCert (optional): Callback server???s CA certificate. It will be used by Rest Proxy to verify the callback server. The certificate must be in PEM format.
  • clientCert (optional): Client certificate that will be used as Rest Proxy???s certificate when connecting to the callback server. It is only required when the callback server enables mutual authentication. The certificate must be in PEM format and assumes the private key and the client certificate concatenated.
  • keyPassword (optional): Encrypted private key???s password. It must be base64 encoded and it is required only when the clientCert contains an encrypted private key.
txid Transaction ID  
chaincode Chaincode ID of the chaincode application subscribed to.  
seek Which blocks to be delivered.
    • oldest: delivers all blocks from the oldest block
    • newest: delivers the newest block
    • from: delivers from the block number specified for the block parameter.
  • This option can be used only if the type is block or filteredblock.
block Block number This value is used when seek is from.
event Chaincode's event filter * specifies all events.


You can find the restproxy value of your Blockchain instance from the Nodes tab of your instance console.

Example of the Response Body

The following example shows the contents of the response body in JSON format:

   "returnCode": "Success",
   "error": "",
   "result": {
       "subid": "obpuser-dc28b77c-7e58-4b09-ae23-b2c01fa01b70"
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