Orderer Node Attributes

An orderer node collects transactions from peer nodes, bundles them, and submits them to the blockchain ledger. The node’s attributes determine how the node performs and behaves on the network.

Only Administrators can change a node’s attributes. If you've got User privileges, then you can view a node’s attributes.

Table A-3 Orderer Node — General Attributes

Attribute Description Default Value
Orderer ID This is the identifier or name that Oracle Blockchain Platform assigned the node when it created it. orderer<number-partition>
Local MSP ID This is the assigned MSP ID for your organization. You can’t modify this ID. NA
Listen Port This is the listening port that Oracle Blockchain Platform assigned to the node. You can’t change the port number. Specific to your organization.
Log Level Specify the log level that you want to use for the node. Oracle suggests that for development or testing, you use DEBUG. And that for production, you use ERROR. INFO

Table A-4 Orderer Node — Advanced Attributes — Kafka/Retry tab

Attribute Description Default Value
ShortInterval in seconds

How long to establish the Kafka cluster connection for the orderer to read or write to the channel.

The system will re-attempt the connection using the ShortInterval limit until it exceeds the ShortTotal limit.

ShortTotal in milliseconds

How long the ShortInterval limit is repeated until the system uses the LongInterval limit to establish the Kafka cluster connection.

LongInterval in milliseconds

How long to establish the Kafka cluster connection for the orderer to read or write to the channel.

If the system can’t successfully connect using the ShortTotal limit, then the system uses the LongInterval to attempt the connection.

The system will re-attempt the connection using the LongtInterval limit until it exceeds the LongTotal limit.

LongTotal in hours

The number of hours the LongInterval limit is repeated until the Kafka cluster connection fails.

NetworkTimeouts/DialTimeout in seconds

The maximum amount of time that the client will wait for the initial connection.

NetworkTimeouts/ReadTimeout in seconds

The maximum amount of time that the client will wait for a response.

NetworkTimeouts/WriteTimeout in seconds

The maximum amount of time that the client will wait for a transmit.

Metadata/RetryBackoff in milliseconds

The maximum amount of time to wait before retrying the metadata request to the Kafka cluster.


The maximum number of metadata request attempts the system makes to the Kafka cluster.

Producer/RetryBackoff in milliseconds

The maximum amount of time to wait before retrying to post a message to the Kafka cluster.


The maximum number of attempts that the system makes to post a message to the Kafka cluster.

Consumer/RetryBackoff in seconds

The maximum amount of time to wait before retrying to reconnect the offsets channel or retrying failed offset fetch or commit requests.