View Private Data Collections

(19.1.3 and later versions only) You can view information about a chaincode's private data collections.

After you instantiate a chaincode, you might need to view its private data collections to see how they were defined.
You can’t modify the private data collections for an instantiated chaincode. If you need to change the private data collections, then you need to upgrade the chaincode and specify new private data collections.
  1. Go to the console and select the Chaincodes tab.
    The Chaincodes tab is displayed and the table lists the chaincodes installed on the network.
  2. Locate the chaincode that you want to view private data collections for and expand it in the table.
  3. Click the chaincode version that you want.
    The Chaincode Version Information page is displayed.
  4. In the Private Data Collections tab, locate the collection that you want to view.