What Do I Get with Oracle Blockchain Platform?

Your instance includes everything you need to build, run, and monitor a complete production-ready blockchain network based on Hyperledger Fabric.

Your Oracle Blockchain Platform instance is defined by the options you selected when you created your instance. Your instance includes validating peer nodes, a membership services provider (MSP), and an ordering service.

In addition, REST proxy nodes are provided and a default channel is created. Use the console user interface to further configure, administer, and monitor the network, as well as install, instantiate, and upgrade smart contracts (also known as chaincodes). The Developer Tools tab contains sample chaincodes that you can deploy and run to help you quickly understand how the blockchain network works.

Oracle Blockchain Platform is pre-assembled with underlying services, including containers, compute, storage, LDAP for authentication, object store for embedded archiving, and management and log analytics for operations and troubleshooting. You can configure multiple peer nodes and channels for availability, scalability, and confidentiality, and Oracle Blockchain Platform will automatically handle the underlying dependencies.