Get Blockchain Platform Instance Details



Get a particular Blockchain Platform instance details.


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Body ()
Root Schema : BlockchainPlatformDetails
Type: object
Blockchain Platform details
Show Source
Nested Schema : BlockchainPlatformCluster
Type: object
VMs in cluster
Show Source
Nested Schema : components
Type: array
All nodes(services) info
Show Source
Nested Schema : ledgerPlacement
Type: array
List of (host - ledger location) pairs
Show Source
Nested Schema : crc
Type: array
CRC VM list
Show Source
Nested Schema : manager
Type: array
Manager VM list
Show Source
Nested Schema : zk
Type: array
ZooKeeper or Kafka VM list
Show Source
Nested Schema : ClusterVM
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : BlockchainPlatformComponent
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : host
Type: array
All node(service) replicas hosts, may be smaller than the replicas number when any replica is down
Show Source
Nested Schema : HostLedgerInfo
Type: object
Additional Properties Allowed
Show Source
  • other dynamically generated orderer and peer name keys and ledger folder path
Show Source

401 Response

Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
Error Information.
Show Source
Nested Schema : errors
Type: array
list of errors
Show Source
Nested Schema : warnings
Type: array
list of warnings
Show Source

404 Response

Not Found
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
Error Information.
Show Source
Nested Schema : errors
Type: array
list of errors
Show Source
Nested Schema : warnings
Type: array
list of warnings
Show Source

500 Response

Internal Server Error
Body ()
Root Schema : Error
Type: object
Error Information.
Show Source
Nested Schema : errors
Type: array
list of errors
Show Source
Nested Schema : warnings
Type: array
list of warnings
Show Source
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This endpoint is used to get the details of a particular Blockchain Platform instance.

The following example shows how to query and get the details of a particular Blockchain Platform instance by submitting a GET request on the REST resource using cURL.

curl -X GET \
  http://<hostname>:<port>/api/v1/blockchainPlatforms/instances/93d26463-e4b9-4773-b1c1-9cda2c311b44 \
  -H 'Authorization: Basic b2JwdXNlcjpXZWxjb21lMQ==' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example of the Response Body

The following example shows the contents of the response body in JSON format:

  "id": "93d26463-e4b9-4773-b1c1-9cda2c311b44",
  "displayName": "myNATinstf1",
  "timeCreated": 1566971517441,
  "timeUpdated": 1566979960292,
  "createdBy": "obpuser",
  "createOperationId": "IDR0yB4PWpqjaqTe__iq2c03PIe2H-QCypb3DGyCjCXJE=",
  "platformRole": "Founder",
  "configuration": "Developer",
  "status": "Healthy",
  "lifecycleState": "Active",
  "version": "19.3.3",
  "instanceFQDN": "",
  "enableTLS": true,
  "startPort": 0,
  "stateMessage": "",
  "logging": "/u01/obp-logs",
  "serviceEndpoint": "",
  "cluster": {
    "manager": [
        "vm": "",
        "vmStatus": "Up",
        "role": "Admin"
    "crc": null,
    "zk": null
  "components": [
      "name": "93d26463-e4b9-4773-b1c1-9cda2c311b44-nodemanager",
      "type": "nodemanager",
      "status": "Healthy",
      "replicas": 3,
      "host": [
      "name": "93d26463-e4b9-4773-b1c1-9cda2c311b44-zookeeper1",
      "type": "zookeeper",
      "status": "Healthy",
      "replicas": 1,
      "host": [
      "name": "93d26463-e4b9-4773-b1c1-9cda2c311b44-zookeeper2",
      "type": "zookeeper",
      "status": "Healthy",
      "replicas": 1,
      "host": [
      "name": "93d26463-e4b9-4773-b1c1-9cda2c311b44-zookeeper3",
      "type": "zookeeper",
      "status": "Healthy",
      "replicas": 1,
      "host": [
      "name": "93d26463-e4b9-4773-b1c1-9cda2c311b44-kafka1",
      "type": "kafka",
      "status": "Healthy",
      "replicas": 1,
      "host": [
      "name": "93d26463-e4b9-4773-b1c1-9cda2c311b44-kafka2",
      "type": "kafka",
      "status": "Healthy",
      "replicas": 1,
      "host": [
      "name": "93d26463-e4b9-4773-b1c1-9cda2c311b44-kafka3",
      "type": "kafka",
      "status": "Healthy",
      "replicas": 1,
      "host": [
      "name": "93d26463-e4b9-4773-b1c1-9cda2c311b44-authserver",
      "type": "authserver",
      "status": "Healthy",
      "replicas": 3,
      "host": [
      "name": "93d26463-e4b9-4773-b1c1-9cda2c311b44-ca",
      "type": "ca",
      "status": "Healthy",
      "replicas": 2,
      "host": [
      "name": "93d26463-e4b9-4773-b1c1-9cda2c311b44-orderer0",
      "type": "orderer",
      "status": "Healthy",
      "replicas": 1,
      "host": [
      "name": "93d26463-e4b9-4773-b1c1-9cda2c311b44-orderer1",
      "type": "orderer",
      "status": "Healthy",
      "replicas": 1,
      "host": [
      "name": "93d26463-e4b9-4773-b1c1-9cda2c311b44-peer0",
      "type": "peer",
      "status": "Healthy",
      "replicas": 1,
      "host": [
      "name": "93d26463-e4b9-4773-b1c1-9cda2c311b44-peer1",
      "type": "peer",
      "status": "Healthy",
      "replicas": 1,
      "host": [
      "name": "93d26463-e4b9-4773-b1c1-9cda2c311b44-console0",
      "type": "console",
      "status": "Healthy",
      "replicas": 1,
      "host": [
      "name": "93d26463-e4b9-4773-b1c1-9cda2c311b44-console1",
      "type": "console",
      "status": "Healthy",
      "replicas": 1,
      "host": [
      "name": "93d26463-e4b9-4773-b1c1-9cda2c311b44-restproxy",
      "type": "restproxy",
      "status": "Healthy",
      "replicas": 2,
      "host": [
      "name": "93d26463-e4b9-4773-b1c1-9cda2c311b44-prometheus",
      "type": "prometheus",
      "status": "Healthy",
      "replicas": 1,
      "host": [
      "name": "93d26463-e4b9-4773-b1c1-9cda2c311b44-lbr",
      "type": "lbr",
      "status": "Healthy",
      "replicas": 3,
      "host": [
  "ledgerPlacement": [
      "93d26463-e4b9-4773-b1c1-9cda2c311b44-orderer0": "/u01/93d26463-e4b9-4773-b1c1-9cda2c311b44/orderer/93d26463-e4b9-4773-b1c1-9cda2c311b44-orderer0",
      "93d26463-e4b9-4773-b1c1-9cda2c311b44-orderer1": "/u01/93d26463-e4b9-4773-b1c1-9cda2c311b44/orderer/93d26463-e4b9-4773-b1c1-9cda2c311b44-orderer1",
      "93d26463-e4b9-4773-b1c1-9cda2c311b44-peer0": "/u01/93d26463-e4b9-4773-b1c1-9cda2c311b44/peer/93d26463-e4b9-4773-b1c1-9cda2c311b44-peer0",
      "93d26463-e4b9-4773-b1c1-9cda2c311b44-peer1": "/u01/93d26463-e4b9-4773-b1c1-9cda2c311b44/peer/93d26463-e4b9-4773-b1c1-9cda2c311b44-peer1",
      "host": "",
      "sharedDirectory": "/u01/93d26463-e4b9-4773-b1c1-9cda2c311b44"
  "statusDisplayName": "Up"
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