CA Node Attributes

A certificate authority (CA) node keeps track of identities and certificates on the blockchain network.

Only Administrators can change a node’s attributes. If you've got User privileges, then you can view a node’s attributes.

Table A-1 CA Node Attributes

Attribute Description Default Value
Fabric CA ID This is the identifier or name that Oracle Blockchain Platform assigned the node when it created it. You can’t modify this ID. ca
Listen Port This is the listening port that Oracle Blockchain Platform assigned to the node. You can’t change the port number. Specific to your organization.
Max Enrollments Use this field to determine how many times the CA server allows a password to be used for enrollment on the network. Consider the following options:
  • -1 — The server allows a password to be used an unlimited number of times for enrollment.

Log Level Specify the log level that you want to use for the node. Oracle suggests that for development or testing, you use DEBUG. And that for production, you use INFO. INFO