Troubleshoot Blockchain App Builder VS Code Extension

The following can be used to troubleshoot system problems with Blockchain App Builder VS Code extension.

By default, when you install the extension all the patches are installed for you. Patching is done so that VS Code can connect to Oracle Blockchain Platform. However you may encounter network or other problems that prevent the patching process from completing successfully. In these cases, you can manually force the Blockchain App Builder to repatch itself.
  1. Open the Command Palette from the View menu.
  2. In the Command Palette, type Enable Repatching.
    Screen capture showing the command palette with Enable Repatching selected.

  3. Select Oracle Blockchain Platform Enable Repatching. VS Code will clear the existing patching data and force a repatch.
Resetting Extension Data
It is possible for your Blockchain App Builder user data to get corrupted. This option clears your data from Blockchain App Builder without impacting anything stored locally.
  1. Open the Command Palette from the View menu.
  2. In the Command Palette, type Reset Extension.
    Screen capture showing the Reset Extension Data command in the Command Palette.
  3. Select Oracle Blockchain Platform Reset Extension Data. VS Code will clear the existing blockchain data and reload the default installation data. This will not affect the files stored locally in your system, but you will have to import them back into VS Code and reconfigure any environments you had previously set up.