This Essbase configuration setting controls whether some upper-level members in aggregate storage hierarchies should be aggregated rather than calculated as formulas.

This setting applies only to aggregate storage cubes. Turning this setting on can provide a query performance enhancement for aggregate storage cubes with dynamic hierarchies.


  • appname—Optional. Specifies the application for which hybrid mode is used.

  • OFF— This is the default.

  • ON—Aggregate upper level members in aggregate storage hierarchies, when they meet the conditions.


If this setting is ON, a dynamic hierarchy (or fully dynamic dimension) member will be aggregated, rather calculated as a formula, if all of the following is true for that member:

  • does not belong to an Accounts dimension

  • does not belong to a typed measures dimension

  • has no formula

  • is not a dynamic time series member

  • solve order is 0

  • all children have only one of the following operators: +, ~ or ^

  • all consolidating children (not those having only ~ or ^ operators) can be aggregated


  • If the dynamic hierarchy/dimension is not the last one in the outline, the solve order may differ, and the results may differ.

  • If the member is a shared member, its prototype is analyzed instead.

  • If the member is a label-only member, its first child is analyzed instead.
