This Essbase configuration setting specifies whether Essbase uses a calculator cache when calculating the cube.

This setting does not apply to aggregate storage cubes.


CALCCACHE [appname [dbname]] TRUE | FALSE
  • appname—Optional. Specifies the application for which the setting applies.

    If you specify a value for appname and do not specify a value for dbname, the setting applies to all cubes in the specified application.

    To enable the setting for a specific cube, you must specify an application and cube.

    If you do not specify an application, you cannot specify a cube, and the setting applies to all applications and cubes on the Essbase instance.

  • dbname—Optional. Specifies the database (cube), in the application specified by appname, for which the setting applies.

    If you specify a value for dbname but do not specify a value for appname, your specification is ignored.

  • TRUE—Essbase uses a calculator cache when calculating the cube. This is the default.

  • FALSE—Essbase does not use a calculator cache when calculating the cube.


Essbase uses the calculator cache to create and track data blocks during calculation. Using the calculator cache significantly improves calculation performance. The size of the performance improvement depends on the cube configuration.

If required during a calculation, you can override this default setting using the SET CACHE command in a calculation script.

You can specify the size of the calculator cache using the SET CACHE command in a calculation script and the CALCCACHE {HIGH | DEFAULT | LOW} configuration settings.

When the CALCCACHE setting is set to TRUE, Essbase uses the calculator cache, providing that:

  • The cube has at least two sparse dimensions.

  • You calculate at least one full sparse dimension (unless you specify the CALCCACHE ALL option in a calculation script).
