This Essbase configuration setting specifies the number of sparse dimensions included in the identification of tasks for parallel calculation.

This setting does not apply to aggregate storage cubes.


CALCTASKDIMS [appname [dbname]] n
  • appname—Optional. CALCTASKDIMS applies to all cubes on the application. If you specify a value for appname and do not specify a value for dbname, the setting applies to all cubes in the application. If you do not specify an application, you cannot specify a cube, and the setting applies to all applications and cubes.

  • dbname—Optional. Cube name to which CALCTASKDIMS applies. If you specify a value for dbname but do not include appname, the parameter is ignored and the setting applies to all applications and cubes.

  • n—Required. An integer specifying the number of sparse dimensions to be included when Essbase identifies tasks that can be performed at the same time.

    A value of 1 indicates that only the last sparse dimension in the outline is used to identify tasks. A value of 2, for example, indicates that the last and second-to-last sparse dimensions in the outline are used. Because each unique combination of members from selected sparse dimensions is a potential task, the potential number of parallel tasks is the product of the number of members of the selected dimensions. The maximum value is the number of sparse dimensions in the outline.

    Any value less than 1 is interpreted as 1, any value greater than the number of sparse dimensions in the outline is converted to the largest valid value.

You must restart Essbase to initialize any change to the configuration.


CALCTASKDIMS specifies how many of the sparse dimensions in an outline are used to identify potential tasks that can be run in parallel.


  • If you do not notice an improvement in performance after increasing the value of CALCTASKDIMS, see the note in the SET CALCTASKDIMS topic.

  • Use this configuration setting only if your outline generates many empty tasks, thus reducing opportunities for parallel calculation. See Identifying Additional Tasks for Parallel Calculation for more information about what kind of outlines or calculation scripts generate many empty tasks.



Specifies that for application Sample and database Basic, the last two sparse dimensions in an outline will be used to identify potential tasks to perform at the same time during a calculation pass.

See Also


SET CALCPARALLEL calculation command

SET CALCTASKDIMS calculation command