This configuration setting indicates whether Essbase saves a core dump to a file when an abnormal termination of an application server process occurs.


  • TRUE—Creates a directory containing a core file for each abnormal termination. This is the default.

  • FALSE—No core file is created.


CRASHDUMP helps diagnose abnormal program terminations.

In each instance of an application server crash, when CRASHDUMP is set to TRUE, Essbase creates the core file in a directory under tmp. The name of the new directory is ESSSVR.timestamp, where timestamp displays the date and time. For example:


If a server process is automatically shut down, the core file contains a core dump of that moment. If a server process is shut down manually, the core file may be empty.

Look for the core file any time you experience abnormal Essbase program terminations. If the file is not empty, provide it to Support and then remove it and its directory from the computer. If the core file is empty, remove it and its directory from the computer.

In normal operations without abnormal terminations, core files are not created.
