This Essbase configuration setting specifies whether dynamic calculations can use memory outside the dynamic calculator cache in the case that it is full.

This setting does not apply to aggregate storage cubes.


  • appname—If you specify an application name, the setting applies to all cubes within the application. If you do not specify an application name, the setting applies to all applications and cubes on the server.

  • dbname—If you specify a database (cube) name, the setting applies only to the cube. If you do not also specify an application name, the setting applies to all applications and cubes on the server.

  • TRUE—Disallows the use of memory outside the dynamic calculator cache. If space for blocks with dynamically calculated members cannot be obtained from the dynamic calculator cache, Essbase generates an error message.

  • FALSE—Allows the use of memory outside the dynamic calculator cache, if necessary, for blocks containing dynamically calculated members. The default value is FALSE.


When no room is available in the dynamic calculator cache, the DYNCALCCACHEWAITFORBLK and DYNCALCCACHECOMPRBLKBUFSIZE configuration settings provide options that could result in Essbase using memory outside the dynamic calculator cache to store blocks that contain dynamically calculated members. If you are experiencing a severe memory shortage, you can use the DYNCALCCACHEONLY setting to disallow the use of memory outside the dynamic calculator cache. If DYNCALCCACHEONLY is set to TRUE, instead of using memory outside the dynamic calculator cache, Essbase generates the error message, "Allocation outside the dynamic calculator cache is disallowed."

The dynamic calculator cache is a memory buffer that holds data blocks that are expanded to include dynamically calculated members. Essbase allocates memory in the dynamic calculator cache to store these blocks during retrievals or calculations that involve dynamically calculated members.

Using the dynamic calculator cache may improve retrieval performance by reducing the number of calls to the operating system to do memory allocations. The size of the improvement depends on your configuration.


The default value of this setting is FALSE. Only set this value to TRUE for one or more of the following circumstances:

  • The operating system is not properly reclaiming memory outside the dynamic calculator cache.

  • There is a severe memory shortage

  • Tighter control is required over memory usage for dynamic calculations



Specifies that the dynamic calculator cache is the only memory area that Essbase may use to store blocks that contain dynamically calculated blocks. If a retrieval requires space that is not available in the dynamic calculator cache, the execution of the retrieval is terminated. The user sees an error message that is also posted to the application log.