This configuration setting determines whether Essbase logs runtime substitution variables that are used in a calculation script.

Runtime substitution variable log entries are written to the application log file.


  • appname—Optional. Specifies the application for which runtime substitution variable logging is to be set.

    If you specify a value for appname and do not specify a value for dbname, the setting applies to all databases in the specified application.

    To enable the setting for a specific database, you must specify an application and database.

    If you do not specify an application, you cannot specify a database, and the setting applies to all applications and databases on Essbase Server.

  • dbname—Optional. Specifies the database, in the application specified by appname, for which runtime substitution variable logging is to be set.

    If you specify a value for dbname but do not specify a value for appname, your specification is ignored.

  • TRUE—Runtime substitution variables that are used in a calculation script are logged. For information about the format of these log entries, see Logging Runtime Substitution Variables.

  • FALSE—Runtime substitution variables that are used in a calculation script are not logged. The default value is FALSE.



See Also

SET RUNTIMESUBVARS calculation command