This Essbase configuration setting specifies, in millions, the estimated number of member name and alias name strings that are loaded into memory for optimal performance of name lookup and name insertion during dimension build and outline editing.

ESTIMATEDHASHSIZE allows you to configure a new hash-table implementation, which has an increased memory footprint. The value that you set for this configuration setting affects the amount of memory used when editing an outline. If you set the value to a number that is lower than the estimated number of strings, dimension build performance might be impacted.


  • appname—Optional. Specifies the application for which the estimated hash size applies. If you do not specify an application, the setting applies to all applications on Essbase Server.

    This configuration setting applies to block storage and aggregate storage applications.

  • x—Specifies the estimated number of strings that are populated in an extended hash table. The value must be an integer between 1 and 256. A value of 1 represents 1 million strings; a value of 256 represents 256 million strings.

    The default value is 5 (5 million strings).



Sets the estimated number of member name and alias name strings that are loaded into memory to 50 million for the Sample application.