This Essbase configuration setting, when set to ON, forces the expansion of the grid when transparent partitions are queried, thus ensuring that correct results are retrieved when most data values are displayed as #MISSING, whether or not cells contain data.

The FORCEGRIDEXPANSION configuration setting is used with the GRIDEXPANSION configuration setting.


FORCEGRIDEXPANSION [appname [dbname]] ON | OFF
  • appname—Optional. If you specify an application name, the setting applies to all cubes within the named application. If you do not specify an application name, the setting applies to all applications and cubes on the Essbase Server.

  • dbname—Optional. If you specify a database (cube) name and an application name, the setting applies only to the named cube. If you do not also specify an application name, the cube is ignored and the setting applies to all applications and databases on the Essbase Server.

  • ON— Forces grid expansion for transparent partition queries.

  • OFF— Does not force grid expansion for transparent partition queries. This is the default.


If GRIDEXPANSION is set to ON, the grid is not expanded if all of the following conditions are met, and, thus, incorrect results are returned:

  • The client queries the target cube of a transparent partition.

  • The client query requests values from a dynamically calculated block.

  • Cells requested from the dynamically calculated block reference dense, dynamically calculated members.

  • Dense, dynamically calculated members depend on values from one or more source databases.

When both GRIDEXPANSION and FORCEGRIDEXPANSION are set to ON, the grid is expanded and the correct values for cells that contain data are displayed. Query performance, however, is slowed.

If GRIDEXPANSION is set to OFF, the FORCEGRIDEXPANSION setting is ignored.