This Essbase configuration setting specifies the maximum size of the grid after grid expansion.

Applicable only when hybrid mode is not enabled.


MAX_SIZE_PER_FETCH [appname [dbname]] n
  • appname—Optional. Specifies the application for which to set the limit. If you specify a value for appname and do not specify a value for dbname, the setting applies to all cubes in the specified application. To enable the setting for a specific cube, you must specify an application and cube.

  • dbname—Optional. Specifies the database (cube), in the application specified by appname, for which to set the limit. If you specify a value for dbname but do not specify a value for appname, your specification is ignored.

  • n—The maximum number of cells in the grid after grid expansion. The default is 102400000.


This setting specifies the maximum size of the grid after grid expansion.

If, after grid expansion, the size of the grid is greater than the maximum size specified, grid expansion will not occur for the query, which might result in a slight degradation of performance.

When using this setting, GRIDEXPANSION must be set to ON.

This setting applies to block storage cubes.


For cubes that are the target of a transparent partition, Oracle recommends a smaller maximum grid size to retain the advantages of grid expansion.


MAX_SIZE_PER_FETCH Sample Basic 75000000

Limits the grid to 75 million cells after grid expansion for each query to the Basic cube associated with the Sample application.

See Also