Specify this Essbase configuration setting to define the upper limit for date measures you can export and import. This configuration is applicable only to cubes that have typed measures enabled.


MAXDATE [appname [dbname]] dateConst

appname—The application for which you want to specify max date.

dbname—The database (cube) for which you want to specify a max date.

dateConst—A constant in format of YYYY-MM-DD representing the latest possible date recognized by Essbase.


There are two cases where the value of a date measure can become invalid:
  • If the exported date value exceeds dateConst, Essbase extracts the value as a "#Txt:OutOfRange" string. This exported data file with "#Txt:OutOfRange" strings can be reimported to Essbase if you want to load value "OutOfRange" of values to the date measures.
  • Data load fails if date measure values exceed MAXDATE value. The error message reads:

    Date measure value %s is out of range


  • Windows supports dates up to December 31, 3000. There is no limit for MAXDATE on Linux.
  • For Windows installations of Essbase, if you set the value of a date measure in the data load source higher than December 31, 3000, Essbase will return an error: "Date conversion failed for date type measure value #Txt:%s", and the data load will fail.
  • The MAXDATE format does not have any relationship or dependency with the date format of the outline. So, whatever the format date is in the outline, the format of MAXDATE should always be YYYY-MM-DD.
  • Described behavior is correct for block storage and aggregate storage databases.


MAXDATE 3000-12-31