This Essbase configuration setting sets the maximum number of rejected data load records Essbase should log.



n—The number of rejected data load records to include in the rejected records log. The default is 0 (logging of rejected records is turned off). The maximum is 65,000.


This server-level configuration sets the maximum number of rejected data load records Essbase should log, before stopping.

If this configuration does not exist in essbase.cfg, logging rejected data load records is turned off. To keep track of details about rejected data load records, you can turn it on by adding this configuration to essbase.cfg and specifying a limit for n.

If rejected records are logged, the log entry looks like the following:

\\ Record rejected during data load:
"100-10","New York","Feb","Actual","645","258","90","51","1","#Missing","619"

The following criteria define which data load records are rejected and logged:

  • Rejected due to the selection or rejection criteria set in the rule file.

  • Rejected because there is no data field in the record.

  • Rejected because all data fields are set to be ignored.


  • This configuration setting can be set in essbase.cfg, and applies to all applications on the server. Setting this at application level has no effect.

  • Essbase logs rejected data load records in RejectedRecords_SEQID_TimeStamp.log in the cube directory.

    See Environment Locations in the Essbase Platform for information about directory locations in Essbase.

  • Data load error logs are handled differently from rejected record logs. Data load errors are logged separately, at the end of the data load. See DATAERRORLIMIT.
