This Essbase configuration setting optimizes the replication of a partitioned, aggregate storage cube when the aggregate storage cube is the target and a block storage cube is the source, and the two outlines are identical.

The setting affects only the target aggregate storage application (not the source block storage application) and does not apply to block storage replication.

REPLICATIONASSUMEIDENTICALOUTLINE can be enabled at the server, application, or cube level. You can also use the alter database MaxL statement with the replication_assume_identical_outline grammar to enable replication optimization at the cube level only.


  • appname—Optional. Specifies the application to be enabled for replication optimization.

    If you specify a value for appname and do not specify a value for dbname, the setting applies to all cubes in the specified application.

    To enable the setting for a specific cube, you must specify an application and cube.

    If you do not specify an application, you cannot specify a cube, and the setting applies to all applications and cubes on Essbase Server.

  • dbname—Optional. Specifies the database (cube), in the application specified by appname, to be enabled for replication optimization.

    If you specify a value for dbname but do not specify a value for appname, your specification is ignored, and replication optimization is enabled for all applications and cubes on Essbase Server.

  • TRUE—Optimize replication, assuming outlines are identical.

  • FALSE—Do not optimize replication with the assumption of identical outlines. This is the default.

You must restart Essbase Server to initialize changes to the configuration.



Optimizes the replication of the ASOsamp.Sample database, when it is the target of a replicated partition and its outline is identical to the outline of the source block storage cube.

See Also

Alter Database (Aggregate Storage) MaxL statement