This Essbase configuration setting enables grid update logging, appending to existing logs after archiving.

This setting does not apply to aggregate storage cubes.


SSAUDIT appname [ dbname [ log_path] ]
  • appname—Application name.

  • dbname—Optional. Database (cube) name.

  • log_path—Optional. Full directory path where you want the information stored. Do not specify a log_path value unless you have also provided a value for dbname.

Default behavior:

  • If not specified, grid update logging is not enabled.

  • If issued with no arguments, Essbase activates grid update logging for all cubes in all applications on the Essbase Server, and puts the log in the default directory: <Application Directory>/app/appname/dbname.

    See Environment Locations in the Essbase Platform for information about directory locations in Essbase.

Use the value xxxxx to indicate "all" for any argument.

You can issue up to ten (total) SSAUDIT statements per application.


SSAUDIT enables Essbase to log successfully completed grid update transactions. The resulting logs can be used as a source of input data upon recovery after archive operations or other server interruptions.

SSAUDIT creates two logs for each cube:

  • dbname.atx, which stores the update transaction records that can be used as the input source for data load

  • dbname.alg, which stores history records from every update transaction, including user name, time stamp, and number of updated rows


  • SSAUDIT is not available when using Free-Form reporting in Smart View.

  • If you have duplicate cube names in different applications, do not store their error logs in the same directory. If you do, the log for one cube will be replaced by the log for any subsequent cube with the same name.

  • Essbase ensures that if you enable grid update logging, updates do not take place without getting logged. If Essbase cannot write to the update logs for any reason, Essbase fails the update transaction and issues an error message.

  • SSAUDIT may slow grid client data-update operations.


SSAudit xxxxx xxxxx c:\sslog

Enables logging for all applications and cubes, storing the log in the path c:\sslog. This example assumes that you do not have duplicate cube names (see Notes).

The following is an example of the contents of an .ATX log file for Sample Basic:

"New York" "Massachusetts" "Florida" "Connecticut" "New Hampshire" "East" 
"Actual" "100-20" "Sales" "Jan" #Mi #Mi 200. 100. 200. 200. 
"Actual" "100-20" "Sales" "Feb" #Mi #Mi 206. 100. 200. 206. 
"Actual" "100-20" "Sales" "Mar" #Mi #Mi 214. 100. 200. 214. 
"Actual" "100-20" "Sales" "Apr" #Mi #Mi 267. 100. 200. 267. 
"Actual" "100-20" "Sales" "May" #Mi #Mi 273. 100. 200. 273. 

"New York" 
"Actual" "100-20" "Sales" "Jan" 8888. 
"Actual" "100-20" "COGS" "Jan" 8888. 
"Actual" "100-20" "Marketing" "Jan" 8888. 
"Actual" "100-20" "Payroll" "Jan" 8888. 
"Actual" "100-20" "Misc" "Jan" 8888. 
"Actual" "100-20" "Opening Inventory" "Jan" 8888. 
"Actual" "100-20" "Additions" "Jan" 8888. 
"Actual" "100-20" "Ending Inventory" "Jan" 8888. 
"Actual" "100-20" "Inventory" "Jan" 8888. 
"Actual" "100-30" "Sales" "Jan" 8888. 

"New York" 
"Jan" "Feb" "Mar" "Apr" "May" "Jun" "Jul" "Aug" "Sep" "Oct" "Nov" "Dec" 
"Actual" "100-20" "Sales" 8888. 9999. #Mi #Mi #Mi #Mi #Mi #Mi #Mi #Mi #Mi #Mi 
"Actual" "100-20" "COGS" 8888. 9999. #Mi #Mi #Mi #Mi #Mi #Mi #Mi #Mi #Mi #Mi 
"Actual" "100-20" "Marketing" 8888. 9999. #Mi #Mi #Mi #Mi #Mi #Mi #Mi #Mi #Mi #Mi 
"Actual" "100-20" "Payroll" 8888. 9999. #Mi #Mi #Mi #Mi #Mi #Mi #Mi #Mi #Mi #Mi 
"Actual" "100-20" "Misc" 8888. 9999. #Mi #Mi #Mi #Mi #Mi #Mi #Mi #Mi #Mi #Mi 

"New York" 
"Jan" "Feb" "Mar" "Apr" "May" "Jun" "Jul" "Aug" "Sep" "Oct" "Nov" "Dec" 
"Actual" "200-20" "COGS" 7777. 6666. #Mi #Mi #Mi #Mi #Mi #Mi #Mi #Mi #Mi #Mi 

The following is an example of the contents of an .alg log file for Sample Basic. The ALG information describes the updated data records that are logged in the .atx file.

[Thu May 24 17:29:07 2012]
Create Spreadsheet Update Log
[Thu May 24 17:37:46 2012]
Log Updates From User [ admin ] Starting At Row [ 1 ] For A Total Of [ 7 ] Rows
[Thu May 24 17:42:29 2012]
Log Updates From User [ admin ] Starting At Row [ 8 ] For A Total Of [ 12 ] Rows
[Thu May 24 17:45:31 2012]
Log Updates From User [ admin ] Starting At Row [ 20 ] For A Total Of [ 8 ] Rows
[Thu May 24 17:47:14 2012]
Log Updates From User [ admin ] Starting At Row [ 28 ] For A Total Of [ 4 ] Rows

See Also

Alter Database begin | end archive (MaxL)