When set to ON, this Essbase configuration setting optimizes asymmetric Grid API queries for XOLAP. Applicable only if SSOPTIMIZEDGRIDPROCESSING is false.


  • appname—Optional. Specifies the application for which bulk grid processing is to be set.

    If you specify a value for appname and do not specify a value for dbname, the setting applies to all cubes in the specified application.

    To enable the setting for a specific cube, you must specify an application and cube.

    If you do not specify an application, you cannot specify a cube, and the setting applies to all applications and cubes on Essbase Server.

  • dbname—Optional. Specifies the database (cube), in the application specified by appname, for which bulk grid processing is to be set.

    If you specify a value for dbname but do not specify a value for appname, your specification is ignored.

  • ON—Essbase optimizes asymmetric Grid API queries for XOLAP.

  • OFF—Essbase does not optimize asymmetric Grid API queries for XOLAP.

    The default value is OFF.

For changes to the configuration to take effect, you must restart Essbase Server.



Enables bulk grid processing for grid client operations on all applications and cubes on Essbase Server.