This configuration setting specifies the number of minutes an Essbase application can be idle before it is shut down.

If an application is idle for the time period set here, it will stop running. When any new request is made (for example, Smart View query, Outline, or CLI activity), the application starts automatically.


SVRIDLETIME [appname] n

Where n is the number of minutes of idle time permitted before shutdown. The default value is 120 minutes. The minimum value is 1 minute. The maximum value is 20160 minutes (two weeks). To disable automatic shutdown, set n to 0.


  • By default, applications are set to shut down after 2 hours of idle time.

  • The SVRIDLETIME value should always be set to a few more minutes than the idle user session logout interval, which you can set using the MaxL alter system set session_idle_limit grammar.
