This configuration setting specifies the maximum amount of memory that Essbase can allocate to the triggers feature.


TRIGMAXMEMSIZE [appname [dbname]] memsize
  • appname—Optional. Sets the available memory cache for all cubes in the specified application.

  • dbname—Optional. Sets the available memory cache for the specified database (cube). If you specify a cube, you must specify the application that contains it.

  • memsize—Available memory cache size (in bytes). Default: 4096 bytes. Minimum: 4096 bytes. Maximum: 8388608 bytes (8MB). Setting memsize to zero (0), or a negative value, disables all triggers.


TRIGMAXMEMSIZE specifies the maximum amount of memory available to the Essbase triggers feature. The triggers feature lets you efficiently monitor data changes in a cube. If data breaks the rules that you have specified, Essbase logs the information in a file or sends an e-mail alert.


You must specify the memory in bytes. If you specify a size greater than the maximum of 8388608 bytes, Essbase automatically sets the size to 8388608 bytes.



Sets the maximum memory cache for the triggers feature to to 12288 bytes (12K). The setting applies to all appliations and cubes on the Essbase Server.

See Also

create trigger (MaxL statement)

display trigger (MaxL statement)

alter trigger (MaxL statement)

drop trigger (MaxL statement)