Troubleshoot Deployment Errors

When you deploy the Oracle Essbase stack, you may encounter some of the following errors in the log displayed in the Oracle Resource Manager console.

Error Code Message / More Information
ESSPROV-00000 Unknown error occurred.
ESSPROV-00001 Essbase System Admin username should be alphanumeric and length should be between 5 and 128 characters.

Essbase System Admin password should start with a letter and length should be between 8 and 30 characters, and should contain at least one number, and optionally, any number of the special characters ($ # _). For example, Ach1z0#d.


Database Admin password should start with a letter and length should be between 12 and 30 characters, and should contain at least one number, and at least one of the special characters ($ # _). For example, BEstr0ng_#12.

See Complete System and Security Hardening and Cleanup Tasks.


Missing value for IDCS Application Client ID.

See Create a Confidential Identity Application.


Missing value for IDCS Application Client Secret.

See Create a Confidential Identity Application.


Missing value for IDCS Instance GUID.

See Create a Confidential Identity Application.


Permission denied accessing the target autonomous database.

There may be a mismatch in the target dynamic policies for the compute instance. See Set Up Policies.


Permission denied downloading the wallet for the target autonomous database.

There may be a mismatch in the target dynamic policies for the compute instance. See Set Up Policies.


Permission denied decrypting the target encrypted value with the given encryption key or secret

There may be a mismatch in the target dynamic policies for the compute instance. See Set Up Policies.


Unable to validate the given IDCS Client ID and/or IDCS Client Secret.


Unable to connect to the IDCS endpoint. Validate that the IDCS Tenant GUID is valid.