
The MDX BottomPercent function for Essbase returns the smallest possible subset of a set for which the total results of a numeric evaluation are at least a given percentage. The result set is returned with elements listed from smallest to largest.


BottomPercent ( set, percentage, numeric_value_expression )



The set from which the bottom-percentile elements are selected.


The percentile. This argument must be a value between 0 and 100.


The expression that defines the selection criteria (see MDX Grammar Rules).


This function ignores negative and missing values.


The following query returns data for products making up the lowest 5th percentile of all product sales in the Sample Basic database.

 SET [Lowest 5% products] AS
  'BottomPercent (
   { [Product].members },
   ([Measures].[Sales], [Year].[Qtr2])

 [Product].[Sum of all lowest prods] AS
 'Sum ( [Lowest 5% products] )'

MEMBER [Product].[Percent that lowest sellers hold of all product sales] AS
 'Sum ( [Lowest 5% products] ) / [Product] '

on columns,
  [Lowest 5% products],
  [Product].[Sum of all lowest prods],
  [Product].[Percent that lowest sellers hold of all product sales]
on rows
FROM Sample.Basic
WHERE ([Measures].[Sales])

In the WITH section,

  • The named set [Lowest 5% products] consists of those products accounting for the lowest 5 percent of sales in the second quarter. This set includes Birch Beer, Caffeine Free Cola, Strawberry, Sasparilla, and Vanilla Cream.

  • The first calculated member, [Product].[Sum of all lowest prods], is used to show the sum of the sales of the products with sales in the lowest fifth percentile.

  • The second calculated member, [Product].[Percent that lowest sellers hold of all product sales], is used to show, for each month, how the sales of lowest-selling products compare (as a percentage) to sales of all products in the Product dimension.

This query returns the following grid:

Table 4-41 Output Grid from MDX Example

(axis) Apr May Jun
Birch Beer 954 917 1051
Caffeine Free Cola 1049 1065 1068
Strawberry 1314 1332 1316
Sarsaparilla 1509 1552 1501
Vanilla Cream 1493 1533 1612
Sum of all lowest prods 6319 6399 6548
Product 32917 33674 35088
Percent that lowest sellers hold of all product sales 0.192 0.194 0.187

See Also
