
The MDX Case function for Essbase begins a conditional expression. There are two types of conditional test you can perform using CASE: simple case expression and searched case expression.


The simple case expression evaluates case_operand and returns a result based on its value, as specified by WHEN or ELSE clauses. The result of a case expression can be a value expression or a set. If no ELSE clause is specified, and none of the WHEN clauses is matched, an empty value/empty set is returned.

[ else_clause ]

In searched case expression, each WHEN clause specifies a search condition and a result to be returned if that search condition is satisfied. The WHEN clauses are evaluated in the order specified. The result is returned from the first WHEN clause in which the search condition evaluates to TRUE. The result can be a value expression or a set. If no ELSE clause is specified, and none of the search conditions in the WHEN clauses evaluate to TRUE, an empty value/empty set is returned.

[ else_clause ]



An expression to evaluate.


One or more WHEN/THEN statements. Syntax: WHEN when_operand THEN result

  • when_operand: A value expression.

  • result: A numeric value expression, a string value expression, or a set.


Optional. Syntax:

ELSE numeric_value_expression | set | string_value_expression


One or more WHEN/THEN statements. Syntax: WHEN search_condition THEN result

  • search_condition: A value expression.

  • result: A numeric value expression, a string value expression, or a set.


Example for Simple Case Expression

In the following query, the calculated member [Measures].[ProductOunces] is evaluated based on the value of the Ounce attribute for the current member of the Product dimension.

WITH MEMBER [Measures].[ProductOunces] AS
'Case Product.CurrentMember.Ounces
         when 32 then 32
         when 20 then 20
         when 16 then 16
         when 12 then 12
         else 0
{  [Measures].[ProductOunces] } ON COLUMNS,
{ [Product].Members } ON ROWS
FROM Sample.Basic

This query returns the following result:

Table 4-43 Output Grid from MDX Example

(axis) ProductOunces
Product 0
Colas 0
Cola 12
Diet Cola 12
Caffeine Free Cola 16
Root Beer 0
Old Fashioned 12
Diet Root Beer 16
Sarsaparilla 12
Birch Beer 16
Cream Soda 0
Dark Cream 20
Vanilla Cream 20
Diet Cream 12
Fruit Soda 0
Grape 32
Orange 32
Strawberry 32
Diet Drinks 0
Diet Cola 0
Diet Root Beer 0
Diet Cream 0

Example for Searched Case Expression

The following query divides products into different profit categories based on Profit, and returns categories for each product.

WITH MEMBER [Measures].[ProfitCategory] AS
' Case 
      when Profit > 10000 then 4 
      when Profit > 5000  then 3 
      when Profit > 3000 then  2 
      else 1
{  [Measures].[ProfitCategory] } ON COLUMNS,
{ [Product].Members } ON ROWS
FROM Sample.Basic

This query returns the following result:

Table 4-44 Output Grid from MDX Example

(axis) ProfitCategory
Product 4
Colas 4
Cola 4
Diet Cola 3
Caffeine Free Cola 1
Root Beer 4
Old Fashioned 3
Diet Root Beer 4
Sarsaparilla 2
Birch Beer 2
Cream Soda 4
Dark Cream 4
Vanilla Cream 1
Diet Cream 4
Fruit Soda 4
Grape 4
Orange 3
Strawberry 1
Diet Drinks 4
Diet Cola 3
Diet Root Beer 4
Diet Cream 4

See Also