
The MDX CurrentMember function for Essbase returns the current member in the input dimension.

The current member is evaluated in the context of query execution mechanics. Used in conjunction with iterative functions such as Filter, at every stage of iteration the member being operated upon is the current member.


CurrentMember ( dimension )



A dimension specification.


This function returns the child of an implied shared member instead of the member itself. To avoid this behavior when using CurrentMember in MDX formulas and calculated members, tag the parent with the "Never Share" property.

An implied share occurs when a parent has only one child, or only one child that consolidates.


The following query selects the quarters during which sales growth is 3% or more compared to the previous month.

Filter (
  [Year].Children,  -- outer loop
  Max (
      Except (
        [Year].CurrentMember.Children, -- current in outer loop
        { [Year].[Jan] }
      (  [Year].CurrentMember         -- current in Max loop
       /  [Year].CurrentMember.PrevMember)
  ) >= 1.03
ON axis(0)
FROM Sample.Basic
WHERE ([Measures].[Sales])

Returns the grid:

Table 4-53 Output Grid from MDX Example

Qtr2 Qtr4
101679 98141