
The MDX Hierarchize function returns members of a set in their hierarchical order as represented in the Essbase database outline.


Hierarchize ( set [,POST] )



Set specification.


If this keyword is used, child members are returned before their parents.


This function returns members of a set in their hierarchical order as represented in the database outline (viewed from top-down by default, meaning that parent members are returned before their children).

If POST is used, child members are returned before their parents (the view changes to bottom-up). For example,

Hierarchize({Child, Grandparent, Parent})

returns {Grandparent, Parent, Child}.

Hierarchize({Child, Grandparent, Parent}, POST)

returns {Child, Parent, Grandparent}.


Example 1

The following expression

Hierarchize({May, Apr, Jun})

returns the set:

{Apr, May, Jun}

Therefore, the following query

Hierarchize({May, Apr, Jun})
on columns from sample.basic

returns the grid:

Table 4-77 Output Grid from MDX Example

Apr May Jun
8644 8929 9534

Example 2

The following expression

Hierarchize({May, Qtr2, Apr, Jun})

returns the set:

{ Qtr2 Apr May Jun }

Therefore, the following query

Hierarchize({May, Qtr2, Apr, Jun})
on columns from sample.basic

returns the grid:

Table 4-78 Output Grid from MDX Example

Qtr2 Apr May Jun
27107 8644 8929 9534

Example 3

The following expression

Hierarchize({May, Qtr2, Apr, Jun}, POST)

returns the set:

{Apr, May, Jun, Qtr2}

Therefore, the following query

Hierarchize({May, Qtr2, Apr, Jun}, POST)
on columns from sample.basic

returns the grid:

Table 4-79 Output Grid from MDX Example

Apr May Jun Qtr2
8644 8929 9534 27107

Example 4

The following query

Hierarchize({Dec, Year, Feb, Apr, Qtr1, Jun, Qtr2}, POST)
on columns,
Hierarchize({Margin, Sales})
on rows
from sample.basic

returns the grid:

Table 4-80 Output Grid from MDX Example

(axis) Feb Qtr1 Apr Jun Qtr2 Dec Year
Margin 17762 52943 18242 19457 56317 18435 221519
Sales 32069 95820 32917 35088 101679 33342 400855