
The MDX LinkMember function for Essbase returns a member’s shared member along a given hierarchy.

This function can be used instead of passing hierarchy arguments to Parent, Ancestor, FirstSibling, and LastSibling functions. This function works well in conjunction with Is* functions such as IsAncestor, IsChild, IsSibling, IsLevel, IsGeneration, and IsLeaf.





A member specification


Optional. A specific hierarchy within the time dimension.


  • This function is applicable only to aggregate storage databases.

  • If the primary hierarchy is passed to this function, it returns the primary member.

  • If there is no shared member along the given hierarchy, this function returns an empty member.

  • If a calculated member is passed to this function, the calculated member itself is returned.


The following examples are based on ASOSamp.Basic.

The following MDX returns the member [HDTV] along the [High End Merchandise] hierarchy. By default, the primary instance of [HDTV] is used.

LinkMember([HDTV], [High End Merchandise])

The following MDX also returns the member [HDTV] along the [High End Merchandise] hierarchy. In this example, the input member is on the input hierarchy.

LinkMember([High End Merchandise].[HDTV], [High End Merchandise])

The following MDX returns the member [HDTV] along the [All Merchandise] hierarchy.

LinkMember([All Merchandise].[HDTV], [All Merchandise])

The following MDX returns an empty member, because there is no instance of [Digital Cameras] along the [High End Merchandise] hierarchy. The empty member has a value of #MISSING.

LinkMember([Digital Cameras], [High End Merchandise])

The following MDX also returns an empty member.

LinkMember([All Merchandise], [High End Merchandise])

The following MDX also returns an empty member.

LinkMember([Products], [High End Merchandise])

The following MDX returns [High End Merchandise].

LinkMember([High End Merchandise], [High End Merchandise])