
The MDX Ordinal function for Essbase returns a generation number or level number.


Ordinal ( layer )



A layer specification for which to determine the ordinal.


The following example prints generation number and level number for each member in the Product dimension. The value of calculated member [ProdGen] is a generation number because the input argument to the Ordinal function is a generation. The value of calculated member [ProdLev] is a level number because the input argument to the Ordinal function is a level.

   MEMBER [Measures].[ProdGen] AS 
   MEMBER [Measures].[ProdLev] AS
   {[ProdGen], [ProdLev]} ON COLUMNS,
   [Product].Members ON ROWS
FROM Sample.Basic

This query returns the following grid:

Table 4-120 Output Grid from MDX Example

(axis) ProdGen ProdLev
Product 3 0
100 2 1
100-10 3 0
100-20 3 0
100-30 3 0
200 3 0
200-10 2 1
200-20 3 0
200-30 3 0
200-40 3 0
300 2 1
300-10 3 0
300-20 3 0
300-30 3 0
400 2 1
400-10 3 0
400-20 3 0
400-30 3 0
Diet 2 1
100-20 3 0
200-20 3 0
300-30 3 0