Overview of MDX

MDX is a query language for multidimensional databases that can be used to analyze and extract Essbase data and metadata, define formulas on aggregate storage cubes, and more.

MDX is a language-based way to analyze data in Essbase cubes. MDX exhibits all of the following characteristics:

  • Provides advanced data extraction capability

  • Provides advanced reporting capability

  • Includes functions for identifying and manipulating very specific subsets of data

  • Is a data-manipulation language, complementing MaxL (a data-definition language for Essbase)

  • Utilizes the platform-independent XML for Analysis specification

MDX is a joint specification of the XMLA Council, who are the XML for Analysis founding members.

MDX is a language for anyone who needs to develop scripts or applications to query and report against data and metadata in Essbase databases. The following prerequisite knowledge is assumed:

  • A working knowledge of the operating system your server uses and the ones your clients use.

  • An understanding of Essbase concepts and features.

  • Familiarity with XML.

In order for Essbase to receive MDX statements, you must pass the statements to Essbase. To pass statements, use the Analyze view in the Web interface, or use the MaxL client or MaxL shell (essmsh). When using the MaxL Shell, terminate all statements with a semicolon. Results are returned in the form of a grid.