Relationship Functions

Relationship functions look up specific values within the database based on current cell location and a series of parameters. You can use these functions to refer to another value in a data series. Relationship functions have an implicit current member argument; that is, these functions are dependent on the current member's position.

In the following quick-reference table, words in italics loosely represent information you supply to the function. For details, see the individual function topics.

Table 2-6 Relationship Functions

Function Return Value
@ANCESTVAL Ancestor values of a specified one-dimensional member combination.
@ATTRIBUTEBVAL Associated attribute value from a Boolean attribute dimension.
@ATTRIBUTESVAL Associated attribute value from a text attribute dimension.
@ATTRIBUTEVAL Associated attribute value from a numeric or date attribute dimension.
@CURGEN Generation number of the current member in dimension.
@CURLEV Level number of the current member in dimension.
@GEN Generation number of member.
@LEV Level number of member.
@MDANCESTVAL Ancestor values for any number of multidimensional member combinations.
@MDPARENTVAL Parent values for any number of multidimensional member combinations.
@PARENTVAL Parent values for member in dimension.
@SANCESTVAL Ancestor values for shared members at a certain depth under a root member.
@SPARENTVAL Parent values for shared members under a root member.
@WEIGHTEDSUMX Aggregates all members in a member list, depending on the unit weight of each member.
@XREF Values from a different database than the one being calculated.
@XWRITE Writes values to a different database than the one being calculated.