The SET CALCTASKDIMS calculation command for Essbase specifies the number of sparse dimensions included in the identification of tasks for parallel calculation.





A required parameter, an integer specifying the number of sparse dimensions to be included when Essbase identifies tasks that can be performed at the same time.

A value of 1 indicates that only the last sparse dimension in the outline will be used to identify tasks. A value of 2, for example, indicates that the last and second-to-last sparse dimensions in the outline are used.

Because each unique combination of members from the selected sparse dimensions is a potential task, the potential number of parallel tasks is the product of the number of members of the selected dimensions. The maximum value is the number of sparse dimensions in the outline.

Essbase issues an error if the value is less than 1. A value greater than the number of sparse dimensions in the outline is interpreted as the largest valid value.

Using the calculator bitmap cache can affect this value. See Calculator Cache.


  • A number of features are affected by parallel calculation. See Relationship Between CALCPARALLEL Parallel Calculation and Other Essbase Features for a list of these effects and for detailed information about how Essbase performs parallel calculation.

  • Use the SET CALCTASKDIMS calculation command only if your outline generates many empty tasks, thus reducing opportunities for parallel calculation.

  • If you do not notice an improvement in performance after increasing the value of SET CALCTASKDIMS, consider returning the value to the optimal number that Essbase selected. Sometimes using more task dimensions can generate such a large number of tasks that performance may decrease instead of increase, because the overhead of generating and managing the tasks is too great. See Identifying Additional Tasks for Parallel Calculation and Tuning CALCPARALLEL with Log Messages.



Specifies that the last two sparse dimensions in the outline will be used to identify potential tasks to be performed at the same time during a calculation pass.

See Also