Syntax Conventions

This document uses several formatting styles to indicate actions you should take or types of information you need.

Table 1-1 Syntax Conventions

Syntax Purpose Example
UPPERCASE Calculation command or function names in syntax. DATAEXPORT
italic Terms, such as parameters, that you replace with a value AGG (dimlist);
" " Double quotation marks enclose text parameters or single parameters that include a space @CHILDREN ("New York")
( )

Parentheses are used in a couple of ways:

  • To enclose function parameters

  • To show the order of execution of the enclosed operations

@POWER (14,3)

(a + b) * c

/* ... */ Comment markers in calculation scripts. The /* ... */ comment markers indicate the enclosed text should be ignored in processing.

/*Get results*/

; Statement terminator
AGG ("Product");
[] Brackets enclose optional parameters in syntax . Used with OR symbol | if there is more than one optional parameter. Do not type brackets or the OR symbol |.
@RANGE (mbrName [, rangeList])
[, numeric]

[, "text"]

Indicates an optional numeric (no quotes) or character (quoted) parameter and the comma which must precede the optional parameter. Do not type the brackets. [, year]

[, "columnName"]


Syntax: OR. Separates alternatives from which you choose only one. Do not type the OR symbol.

@ Essbase calculation functions: Precedes many function names @ABS
-> Essbase calculation functions: Cross-dimensional operator (a hyphen followed by a greater-than sign) points to data values of specific member combinations -> (cross-dimensional operator) Price -> West = AVGRANGE