Aggregate Storage Database Limits

The following limits are related to aggregate storage databases.

Table A-3 Aggregate Storage Limits

Artifact Limits

Number of hierarchies in a single dimension of an aggregate storage database

65535 (including all stored hierarchies, dynamic hierarchies, and any attribute dimensions based on the dimension)

Number of members in an aggregate storage outline

10,000,000 to 20,000,000 members, depending on available memory and other memory requirements

Maximum file location size in an aggregate storage database

4,294,967,295 MB

Number of cells that can be queried in an aggregate storage database that has a very sparse data set


The limit is based on the number of cells that Essbase processes in the query, which is the product of the member count across all dimensions, not on the number of cells contained in the output report.

You might encounter this limit when using a client interface that suppresses missing data in order to generate a relatively small report compared to the size of the query.

Number of alias tables


Number of parallel export threads


For information about parallel export, see the export data MaxL statement.

Number of dimensions in an aggregate storage outline


When working with an aggregation storage database outline, dimensions that you delete count toward the total number of dimensions because Essbase does not reclaim the ID of deleted dimensions. Therefore, if you create and then delete dimensions, the maximum number of dimensions is reduced by the number of deleted dimensions.

For example, if you create 10 dimensions in your aggregate storage outline, and you then delete two of those dimensions, the maximum number of dimensions of 255 becomes 253 (255-2) for this outline.