Block Calculation Order

Essbase calculates blocks in numerical order, starting with the first sparse dimension in the database outline.

Essbase defines sparse member combinations starting from the first sparse dimension in the outline.

In the Sample.Basic database, Product is the first sparse dimension in the database outline.

Figure 20-7 Dimensions in the Sample.Basic Database

This image shows an outline of the dimensions in the Sample.Basic database.


The attribute dimensions in the Sample.Basic outline (not shown in the figure above), are not included in the database consolidation and do not affect block calculation order. See Working with Attributes..

As shown below, Product has 19 members (excluding the shared members, for which Essbase does not create data blocks). Therefore, the first 19 data blocks in the database are numbered according to the calculation order of members in the Product dimension.

Figure 20-8 Product Dimension from the Sample.Basic Database

This image shows the Product dimension outline.

The other sparse dimension is Market. The first 19 data blocks contain the first member to be calculated in the Market dimension, which is New York. The table below shows the sparse member combinations of each Product member and New York, for the first five of these 19 data blocks:

Table 20-1 Sparse Member Combinations: Data Blocks 0 Through 4

Block Number Product Member Market Member


Cola (100-10)

New York


Diet Cola (100-20)

New York


Caffeine Free Cola (100-30)

New York


Colas (100)

New York


Old Fashioned (200-10)

New York

The next member in the Market dimension is Massachusetts. Essbase creates the next 19 data blocks for sparse combinations of each Product member and Massachusetts. The table below shows the sparse member combinations for the block numbers 19 through 23:

Table 20-2 Sparse Member Combinations: Data Blocks 19 Through 23

Block Number Product Member Market Member


Cola (100-10)



Diet Cola (100-20)



Caffeine Free Cola (100-30)



Colas (100)



Old Fashioned (200-10)


Essbase continues until blocks have been created for all combinations of sparse dimension members for which at least one data value exists.

Essbase creates a data block only if at least one value exists for the block. For example, if no data values exist for Old Fashioned Root Beer (200-10) in Massachusetts, then Essbase does not create a data block for 200-10 -> Massachusetts. However, Essbase does reserve the appropriate block number for 200-10 -> Massachusetts in case data is loaded for that member combination in the future.

When you run a default calculation (CALC ALL) on a database, each block is processed in order, according to its block number. If you have Intelligent Calculation turned on, and if the block does not need to be calculated, then Essbase skips the block and moves to the next block.