Defining Permissions Using Security Filters

Filters control security access to data values, or cells. You create filters to accommodate security needs for specific parts of a database. When you define a filter, you designate restrictions on particular database cells. When you save the filter, you give it a unique name to distinguish it from other filters. You can then assign the filters to users or groups.

For example, a manager designs a filter named RED and associates it with a database to limit access to cells containing profit information. The filter is assigned to a visiting group called REVIEWERS, so that they can read, but cannot alter, most of the database; they have no access to Profit data values.

Filters comprise one or more access settings for database members. You can specify the following access levels and apply them to data ranging from a list of members to one cell:

  • None: No data can be retrieved or updated for the specified member list.

  • Read: Data can be retrieved but not updated for the specified member list.

  • Write: Data can be retrieved and updated for the specified member list.

  • Metaread: Metadata (dimension and member names) can be retrieved and updated for the corresponding member specification.


The metaread access level overrides all other access levels. If additional filters for data are defined, they are enforced within any defined metaread filters. If you have assigned a metaread filter on a substitution variable and then try to retrieve the substitution variable, an unknown member error occurs, but the value of the substitution variable is displayed. This behavior is expected. Metadata security cannot be completely turned off in partitions. Therefore, do not set metadata security at the source database; otherwise, incorrect data may result at the target partition. When drilling up or retrieving on a member that has metadata security turned on and has shared members in the children, an unknown member error occurs because the prototype members of the shared members have been filtered. To avoid this error, give the prototype members of the shared members metadata security access.

Any cells that are not specified in the filter definition inherit the database access level. Filters can, however, add or remove access assigned at the database level, because the filter definition, being more data-specific, indicates a greater level of detail than the more general database access level.

Data values not covered by filter definitions default to the access levels defined for users.

Calculation access is controlled by permissions granted to users and groups. Users who have calculate access to the database are not blocked by filters—they can affect all data elements that the execution of their calculations would update.


During the calculation of MDX calculated members, cells to which a user does not have access are treated as #MISSING cells.