Export Aggregate Storage Cubes

If you have at least Read access to an Essbase aggregate storage (ASO) cube, you can export input-level data.

You can export level 0 data from the cube to a specified text file. The export file contains only uncompressed data. During data export, users can connect to Essbase Server and perform read-only operations on the cube.

Exported data can be reloaded without a rules file if there are no outline changes. Consider exporting data for the following reasons:

  • To transfer data across platforms

  • To create an exported file in text, rather than binary, format

  • To create backups

The export file is created in the cube directory.

Aggregate storage exports have limits:

  • You can export only level 0 data (input data).

  • You cannot perform columnar exports. In a columnar export, the output file displays a member name from each dimension in every row (and names can be repeated from row to row).

To avoid creating export files larger than 2 GB, Essbase may create multiple export files that include a number suffix in the name, as follows: _1, _2, and so on. For example, if the first file name is /home/exportfile.txt, the next file is /home/exportfile_1.txt.

To improve performance, you can export data in parallel.

To export data, you can use the Essbase web interface to run the Export Data job, or you can use the export data MaxL statement.