Inherent Differences with ASO

Essbase aggregate storage (ASO) cubes are optimized for rapid aggregation across large, sparse dimensions. One cube per application is supported, and copying a cube is not supported. Configuration details are different than for block storage cubes.

Inherent Differences Aggregate Storage Block Storage

Storage kernel

Architecture that supports rapid aggregation, optimized to support high dimensionality and sparse data

Multiple blocks defined by dense and sparse dimensions and their members, optimized for financial applications

Copy database

Not supported, but you can copy the whole application


Databases supported per application


Several (one recommended)

Application and database names

Names reserved for tablespaces, cannot be used as application or database names:

  • default

  • log

  • metadata

  • temp

Naming Conventions for Applications and Databases.

Naming Conventions for Applications and Databases.

Configuration settings

Aggregate Storage and Block Storage Settings Comparison

Aggregate Storage and Block Storage Settings Comparison