About the Sample Currency Application

The Sample_Currency application is similar to the Sample Basic application, but expands the business model to global markets.

The Sample_Currency application builds on the business scenario introduced in Case Study: Designing a Single-Server, Multidimensional Database as the Beverage Company (TBC) expands its business outside the U.S. TBC adds the following markets:

  • Three locations in Canada: Toronto, Vancouver, and Montreal

  • Four locations in Europe: the UK, Germany, Switzerland, and Sweden

In addition, TBC adds a new member, U.S., a consolidation of data from the U.S. regions: East, West, South, and Central.

Data for each TBC market location is captured in local currency. U.S. dollar values are derived by applying exchange rates to local values.

TBC must analyze actual data in two ways:

  • Actuals are converted at actual exchange rates.

  • Actuals are converted at budget exchange rates to analyze variances due to exchange rates.

After all actuals are processed, budget data is converted with budget exchange rates.

The TBC currency application consists of the main database (Interntl) and the currency database (Xchgrate).