Use Substitution Variables in Formulas

Substitution variables act as placeholders for information that changes regularly; for example, time-period information. You can use substitution variables in Essbase formulas that you apply to the cube outline.

When the outline is calculated, Essbase replaces the substitution variable with the value that you have assigned to it. You can create and assign values to substitution variables using the Essbase web interface or MaxL. To use the Essbase web interface, see Use Substitution Variables. For MaxL, use the statement alter database add variable.

You can set substitution variables at the server, application, and database (cube) levels. Essbase must be able to access the substitution variable from the application and database on which you are running the calculation scripts. See also Using Substitution Variables.

To use a substitution variable in a formula, enter an ampersand (&), followed by the substitution variable name.

Essbase treats any text string preceded by & as a substitution variable.

For example, assume that the substitution variable UpToCurr is defined as Jan:Jun. You can use the following @ISMBR function as part of a conditional test:


At the time Essbase calculates the outline, it replaces the substitution variable, as shown:



Substitution variables used in formulas for new outline members do not pass verification unless the outline is saved.