11g LCM Export Utility Options

You have the following options to use 11g LCM Export Utility to export from Essbase 11g On-Premise.


EssbaseLCM.bat|.sh export -server essbasehost:port -user username -password password -application
      appname -zipfile zipfilename [-nodata] [-include-server-level] [-converttoutf8] [-forceutf8]
      [-generateartifactlist] [-exportepmroles] [-allApp] [-exportdata]
          [-cube] [-filetype] [-partitions] [-filters]


  • You can specify -converttoutf8 option during export to automatically convert the Essbase 11g On-Premise block storage application to Unicode, before exporting it to a .zip file. Note that this will convert the source block storage application to Unicode; it is recommended to run a backup before specifying this option.

  • You can specify the options/arguments in any order.

  • To prompt for a password, do not include the -password option.

  • To skip the export of application data, specify -nodata, which is an optional argument. By default, all application data is exported.

Command Options and Descriptions

Option Description
-server <essbasehost:port> Server host name and port number.
-user <username> Server user name.
-password <password> Server password. Skip if you want to be prompted for the password.
-application <appname> Name of application to back up.

-zipfile zipfilename

Optional. Name of compressed file to hold backup files.
-nodata Optional. Do not include data in the backup.
-overwrite Optional. Overwrite existing backup file.

(Optional) Convert block storage application to Unicode. Prompts you to type Y to confirm.

-forceutf8 (Optional) Same as -converttoutf8, but without any prompt. Can be used in automation scripts.
-exportepmroles (Optional) Exports Essbase roles from Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) source.
-generateartifactlist Optional. Generate a text file containing a complete list of the exported artifacts. You can use this text file to manage the import of artifacts. For example, you can rearrange the order of artifacts in the list to control the order in which they are imported. You can skip importing some artifacts by removing or commenting out items in the list.
-include-server-level (Optional) Include server-level artifacts, such as server-level substitution variables and server-level roles. Requires system administrator role.
-allApp Optional (and case-sensitive). If used instead of -application, exports all applications to a single zip file. lcmimport can accept single-application zip files or multiple-application zip files.
-exportdata Optional. Only export data.
-cube Optional. Export a single cube. This option can be specified along with the options to export only: data, files of certain types, partitions, or filters.

Optional. Only export files of the specified type. Supported file types include OTL (outline), TXT (text), RUL (rule), CSC (calc script), DTR (drill through report definition), and Excel (only .xls files are exported. No .xlsx files are exported).


Optional. Only export partition definitions.

Lifecycle Management (LCM) import operations (and Migration Utility import) are not supported for migration of federated partitions. Federated partitions must be recreated manually on the target.

-filters Optional. Only export security filters.