Add External Certificates to Essbase

You can add new external certificates to Essbase. After running the update tool, all external certificates that were added before, remain in the trust store file.


  1. Configure Essbase with TLS connection. See Set up Weblogic TLS Connection for Essbase.
  2. Stop WebLogic.
  3. Set environment variables:
    • ORACLE_HOME - Path to Fusion Middleware and Essbase folder
    See Environment Locations in the Essbase Platform.

Update tool usage and properties file parameters

Before updating certificates, the update tool backs up all necessary files.

The command to run the tool is:

For Linux:

java -jar ${ORACLE_HOME}/essbase/lib/tlsTools.jar <properties file>

For Windows:

java -jar %ORACLE_HOME%\essbase\lib\tlsTools.jar <properties file>


properties file is, and located at the following path:

  • for Linux: ${ORACLE_HOME}/essbase/bin/

  • for Windows: %ORACLE_HOME%\essbase\bin\

and includes the following parameter, to add external certificates to Essbase:


certFile parameter is the full path to additional external certificates, in PEM format. This parameter is used for adding new certificates to corresponding files, not for updating certificates.

If certFile parameter (path) has a value, certificates are added to the trust store. Any other parameters are ignored.


External certificates, in PEM format, are obtained using keytool or openssl.

Run Java command with update tool to update certificates

  1. Add certFile parameter to file, as described above.
  2. Run Java command as shown above.