Avoid Port Conflicts

Ensure that the ephemeral port range used by the operating system does not conflict with any reserved Essbase ports.

Also ensure that the range does not conflict with any ports occupied by other services, such as EPM Foundation Services, Oracle HTTP Server, or any other load balancer you may be using. In addition, no Essbase ports should be in use by other processes.

Essbase ports include:

  • Node manager port

  • WebLogic ports, including

    • AdminServer port
    • Essbase managed server ports, both clear and secure
    • Essbase Administration Services (EAS) managed server ports (if used), both clear and secure
  • Essbase agent (JAgent) ports (clear and secure)

  • Essbase application server (ESSSVR) ports (1000-port range)

Your operating system's ephemeral port range is a reserved set of temporary port allocations. Conflicts can arise if any assigned Essbase ports fall within the ephemeral port range.

To check your operating system's ephemeral port range, use the following command:

For Linux:

cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range

For Windows:The following will list the ports occupied (listening) in Windows:

netstat -a -b