Back Up and Restore Applications

Routine backup of Essbase applications ensures that you can recover from any sort of disruption to applications without affecting the other applications running on the same Essbase instance.

LCM export and import operations allow you to move applications on and off your Essbase instance or between Essbase instances. Export and import operations can be run sequentially in instance migration use cases, exporting from the source instance and importing into the target instance. However, to protect from unexpected application-level failures a routine backup cadence is required. The frequency of your application backups should correspond to the acceptable loss (recovery-point objective or RPO) specified by the application’s users. At the time of any application-specific failure, the latest LCM export file can be used to recover all or part of the application.


Use LCM export option --application to export a single application to a zip file. Use option (case-sensitive) --allApp (or -aa), instead of --application, to export all applications to a single zip file. The --allApp option does not export users and groups.

By default, LCM export exports your application and its cubes without an itemized inventory of artifacts. When executing an LCM export, consider generating an artifact list. Only if you have included this artifact list on export will you have the option to selectively import specific components of your application and its cubes. To ensure backup consistency, make sure that the application is stopped before taking an LCM export.


For example, if using the CLI LcmExport command, you can use the optional -generateartifactlist parameter.

Back Up Cube Files Using LCM

Use one of these tools to initiate an LCM Export operation, which backs up application and cube artifacts to a Lifecycle Management (LCM) .zip file:

Requires at least user role with Application Manager permission, or, you must be the power user who created the application.

If you are migrating an application from an 11g version of Essbase, see Migrate an Essbase 11g On-Premises Application, and use the 11g Export Utility to take your backup. The backup commands discussed here are for exporting from later versions of Essbase.

Restore Cube Files Using LCM

Use one of these tools to initiate an LCM Import operation, which restores application and cube artifacts from a Lifecycle Management (LCM) .zip file:

Requires at least user role with Application Manager permission, or, you must be the power user who created the application.


After the LCM import completes, you may need to take further action to restore migrated connections to external sources. To do this, open the connection and enter the password.